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Minho doesn't even know what he's doing currently but it's for his moving ATM machine. He can't just let it vanish, his dream to be rich. "I'm helping you now please don't be an idiot. " Minho whispers, pulling Taerin closer in his arms. "You make the situation even worse. " Taerin whispers back.

"I'm sorry we need to end the party now. I'm sorry. " Seungmin announce, he took the microphone from Mrs Kim. The guests were talking as they were leaving. Taerin's face got so red that she couldn't speak what the hell is this guy doing she thought? She took a glance at Bobby who's probably cursing right now.

After all the guests left, Mr Kim speak up. "Taerin? Explain. "

"D-dad it's not like what you think. "

"Taerin why are you embarrassing me? Mr Yang look im truly sorry. " Mrs Kim bowed down to Mr Yang who's currently sighing. He looks so damn disappointed with what happens just now.

"You! Aren't you one of the designers at Mr Nam's company? " Mr Kim pointed at Minho. Minho's eyes rounded he feels uncomfortable and intimidated by him for once, he looks scary. Minho nodded slowly. "Taerin, you should have told us earlier. " Mr Kim's angry face turned smiley.

Is he crazy what the hell is wrong with him?

"Your boyfriend is so talented. His designs are worth the wait. " Mr Kim continued approaching Minho. Minho was shocked as well to see what's happening. It looks like Mr Kim made it easier for him to approach his ATM machine. Minho smiled a little hearing his words. "And you? Why didn't you open up to me during the meeting? " Mr Kim touches his shoulders patting it slowly. Looks like Mr Kim already accept him.

"Dad there must be an misunderstanding. He's not my boyfriend. " Taerin said. Mr Kim chuckled, "Taerin is shy you don't need to be shy Taerin I get it. I'm sure Mr Yang understand you. Right Mr Yang? "

Mr Yang smiled bitterly he then left the scene with a bitter face and gestures. Bobby was there as well he couldn't stop sighing looking at them. Who the hell is that man he thought?


Minho rested his back on his couch after a very tiring night. Mr Kim likes him so much to the point he even started to talk about marriage. "My money is one step closer. " Minho yelled, giggling.


The drive was silence. Taerin could only took a few glances at Bobby who is driving. She felt guilty about what happened just now her father was extremely excited about her dating a guy she barely knows? Including ghat she just met him for three times. It's just crazy to think about. Her father wouldn't even let her explain about. He was so happy and cancelled Taerin's arranged marriage with Mr Yang.

And now, Bobby.

"I'm sorry okay? Bobby talk to me please? " Bobby stopped the car immediately at the corner which causes both of them to jump a little from the seat it was a sudden break. He then let out a heavy sigh, looking at Taerin.

His eyes got teary.

"I love you. " he said with his slow tone voice which melts Taerin automatically. His tears continue to stream down Taerin couldn't help herself but to feel sad too looking at the man she loves, being mentally drained.

"I love you too you know that? Nothing is going to stop us. " Taerin cups his face which is already red.

"Uncle Kim likes that guy so much. There's no way I can beat him. "

"But I don't. It's not like dad is going to marry him? and in this case I like you Bobby. Wait this is so embarrassing confessing my feelings to you. " Taerin scratches her neck her face feels hot.

Bobby let out a small giggle his eye smile formed. Bobby brushes his lips against Taerin and pull her closer. Taerin could feel Bobby smirking during the kiss. "I love you, so much. " Bobby said again staring at her face. It does feels weird being in love with a cousin but they were aware they are not blood related since Bobby's dad would remind him about that. Plus they're not that close since they were little. They treat each other like friends, who finally open up to each other about their true feelings.

"Stay away from that guy. " Bobby said in a serious tone. "He looks weird Taerin for sure." he continued while putting in the gear to drive. "How the hell did he get in there? "

"He was with Dahyun. "

"So Dahyun brought him to the party? Ask Dahyun to stay away from him as well. He's not a good man I can feel that. "


It's Saturday and Minho decided to follow Mr Kim to horse riding club. It is his first time so he's feeling nervous.

"How do I act in front of my father in law? Wait a minute father in law? " Minho chuckled. "ATM machine in law. " he said as he shut his car's door.

He was amazed to see the surrounding. They are really wealthy there he said it again. "Minho? Glad you came. " Mr Kim who's wearing a full suit to ride the horse smile at Minho widely. Minho nodded. "Well since it's your Mr Kim who invited me I couldnt not accept this offer. " Minho smiled. He then saw Taerin walking with Bobby they were laughing together looking at the horses.

He feel disgusted looking at them he was about to puke again he can't stand seeing people acting all lovey it's just like not something he would do. If it is, it's just for money from the old ladies he met at club. At least it was worth it but to be in love, like only about feelings? No he's not that type of man who puts love as the first thing. In fact, he's feeling less.

Having those feelings would only lead to sorrow, sad and a broken life. Nothing worth it.

"Taerin is there with his cousin, Bobby. Have you met him? " Mr Kim nudges Minho. Minho shakes his head. "Don't worry no romantic feelings for sure." he joked causing Minho to feel nervous is he really serious about him being with Taerin? Well if yes then what about it? He's not scared if Minho changes the assets to his name, the company to his surname? Minho brushes off his thoughts. He then slowly approached Taerin.

"Having fun, my girl? " Minho stated.

Both of them turn around only to see Minho standing still, smiling. That evil smile. "Stop it you bastard. Who the hell are you calling your girl? " Bobby pushes him roughly. Taerin tried to stop Bobby but Bobby insist to.

"Bobby don't cause a scene here. " Taerin muttered.

"So this is the man you're in love with, Taerin? " Minho raised his eyebrows.

"Shut up you're only an interior designer. " Bobby crosses his arms.

Minho's lips move apart not believing what he just heard. "At least I don't act damn obnoxious and not even realise my position. How can someone adopted like you be so confident to fell in love with Taerin? Mr Kim doesn't even know about this yet, right? " Minho smirked showing his naughty smile. Bobby sighs and rolled his eyes. Taerin who's shaking was scared to death. She doesn't even dare to step in.

"Sure you use that point. Do you think I care? Taerin doesn't even love you!" Bobby yelled.

"Well are you sure? I thought your so called lover loved it when i hugged her waist that night. Right, Taerin? " Minho stares at Taerin. He walks away leaving both of them hanging it's useless talking to Bobby he thought.

"Taerin?" Taerin took a glance at Minho who's walking approaching her father. She ignored Bobby because she's feeling mad at Minho she feels like strangling Minho.

"Mr Kim? This is my first time seeing horses up close. They seems to be intimidating but I guess not?" Minho caressed the horse. Mr Kim smiled widely. "Yes they are very gentle. This is my horse. Taerin's is inside. " Minho nodded.

"I'm getting old. " Minho moves his head to Mr Kim who's talking. "Sure Mr Kim everyone ages. But you still seems very healthy. " Minho chuckled.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something? " Mr Kim stopped his step.

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