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Taerin walk slowly admiring the garden. It's a garden that her grandfather built, for her with thousand of flowers. It's a very picturesque scenery. She went there whenever she's feeling uneasy or down. Hoping her late grandfather to hear her concern. If he was there, he would be able to comfort Taerin but now it's different.

"Taerin. " Taerin turn around only to see her mother smiling. It's not like she don't know what her intention is.
"If you're going to talk about it I'm not interested. "

"Taerin, you're my only daughter. I want you to live your life to the fullest. Why cant you listen to my wish? " Mrs Kim walk slowly towards her. She loves her daughter, so much in fact that she's her only daughter. "Your father wants it to be accomplished too. You don't want to disappoint your father, right Taerin? "

"If you want me to live my life to the fullest, then don't force me doing something I don't fancy. " Taerin rolled her eyes.

"I don't care. I'm being strict with you this time. Don't be late on that night or else, I'll lock you up. " Mrs Kim walk away. Taerin rolled her eyes. She's giving in now she thought there's no use fighting her mom when the fact that she knew it she's going to get yelled.


"Hello and good morning to all of you. My name is Kim Taeoh the current CEO of Kim Corporation. I'm happy to gather the best designers here today to present our new interior for Gangnam branch. " the one who should be Kim Taeoh, said eagerly as he stood up. He's a very smiley although he's old. He has that easy to approach that kind of face.

"You guys have been short listed to be the top 3 of the designer. " his assistant explained. "So far we are satisfied with the design submitted we are having a really hard time to choose one. Thus, we held a meeting today to look it in details. "

Minho smirked knowing that he, almost win. Well what can he say he's one of the best designers. He's extremely proud that he couldn't stop smiling. Well the other was, Bang Chan and a girl named Yuha. They are good too but Minho wouldn't give in at this point.

"I'm sorry for making you guys to wait. " A woman step in, quickly take a seat beside Mr Kim. "Taerin is here now shall we? " Mr Kim sit up straight. Minho started to grin, I can smell money he thought.

"Okay so we have Lee Minho, in our list. Mr Lee Minho can you explain further about your design? " Kim Seungmin, the assistant speak up. Minho nodded and clear his throat.

Minho walked to the front and prepare for his slides. Taerin was shocked to see him. Her mouth, moves forming the O shape.

"Didn't I met him at the club the other day? " Taerin mumbled slow enough not letting anyone to hear.

"Taerin can we focus now? " Mr Kim nudges her causing her to get back to reality she nod quick.

"Good morning to the respective Kim Corporation team. Highest respect to Mr Kim Taeoh for being here today and also, Miss Kim Taerin. " Minho smiled widely. "I'm glad I've been chosen as one of the best designers. Here I am to represent my design." Minho showed his slides. Mr Kim nodded, he seems satisfied hearing Minho's explanation for the design.

After hours of meeting, Chan and Yuha's design was extremely nice as well. Minho was worried at first so he keeps on rubbing the back of his right hand with his left thumb. "After a long discussion, Mr Kim has decided to choose Mr Lee Minho's design. It would suit the company's concept the best. " Seungmin announced.

Minho screamed internally.

"As expected, " he mumbled.

"Congrats." Chan whispered short. Minho nodded and smile. The meeting ended successfully, Mr Kim and Seungmin left early, followed by Yuha and Chan.

"Mr Lee Minho. Do you a have a moment? " Taerin stated. Minho turns around, a small smirk formed on his lips. He then walk closer to Taerin while nodding his head. "Of course I do have time for pretty woman. "

"Whatever but, haven't we met before? "

"I don't know? Have we? "

"Stop acting stupid. I knew it. At the club? That's you right? You lied to
me? " Taerin raised her eyebrows.

"I lied? When did I lied to you? "

"I thought you were one of the workers there? "

"I didn't say anything about that? "

Taerin crosses her arms, placing it in front of her chest. She gritted her teeth. "Stop it. If you weren't one of the workers why would you be there on that day? My father rented the whole place. No one could possibly enter. "

Minho gulped. Damn she's right he thought. Wait a minute Minho, keep on brainstorming. "Oh my God. I knew it. " Minho stares at her, waiting for her to speak.

"You work, as a host? At the club? At night as a part timer? Could it possibly be that? " Taerin slows her tone she's scared it might be offensive if it's true. Minho chuckled and cups his own face trying not to laugh. "It doesn't matter anymore Ms Kim Taerin. It's nice to work with you. Seems like we will be meeting often soon? Alright I'll get going now. " Minho bowed and leave her hanging in the meeting room.

Deep inside he's scared she might come out with another questions that is beyond his expectations. Minho felt a tap on his shoulders he quickly turn around. "Minho! Can I ask you a favour? " it's Dahyun. Again.

Minho raised his eyebrows.

"Well uh-huh can you perhaps, go on a ceremony, with me?" Dahyun stuttered. She couldn't speak well when it comes to Minho. "What ceremony? " Minho said as he sit on his place.

"My cousin's birthday party. It's tomorrow night. " Minho turn his body to her. Might be Taerin? Another bingo. "You mean Kim Taerin? "

"Correct! How did you know? You sure know a lot about me! " Dahyun tuck her hair behind her ears. She seems shy she blushes a lot. Minho faked a smile.

"Of course I do know about you. " Minho smiled. "And yes! I'll go with you. I will pick you up tomorrow after work. Just text me the details. " Dahyun screamed inside. Did he just say yes? Lord please give me strength she thought. She nodded, like very fast. "C-can I have your number so I can text you? "

"Sure wait a minute. " Minho write it fast on a paper and handed her his number.

She was giggling like crazy and thank him.

Minho shakes his head. "I'm finally closer to my money. Just so you wait I'm gonna change the company to Lee Corporation." Minho chuckled while mumbling about what he has been thinking of

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