43. Sweet

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"Taerin. Kim Taerin why you didn't tell me about it? " Minho said as he shut the door, glancing at Taerin who's busy staring at the laptop.

"Taerin! " Minho yelled causing Taerin to flinched a bit. "What? Ugh you're so loud. The staffs might hear your yell. " Taerin rolled her eyes, looking at her laptop again. "Dahyun is transferring here? "

Taerin raised her eyebrows. He seems to be not in a good relationship with her, right? She could sense that I mean, Kim Taerin is not dumb. "Why? You didn't like it? "

Minho sighs, take a seat facing her. "It's not like that but that's so sudden? I heard that she's working in New York no problems at all? But why suddenly ㅡ "

"I'm the CEO here and I make the decision whether to accept Dahyun working here or not. Enough explanation? And about that thing why would I tell you? I'm the boss here so all decision should be made by me? " Taerin blurt it out, feeling somehow annoyed that he's disturbing her while working.

"But ㅡ "

"Minho I'm busy. Can we talk later? " Taerin raises her eyebrows, slightly pointing at the door asking him to leave.

"Babe don't be mad at me. Don't get me wrong. " Minho tried to explain, fearing that would make her upset.

"Leave now please I'm not in the mood to talk. " Taerin rub her nape, stiff doesn't even bother to take a glance at Minho. Although he's handsome.

Minho sighs as he walk out of her room. Little did she knew that the thing when she recruit Dahyun here, it's like forming a distance between the two of them. Dahyun can do anything to her but she's too naive now. She thought that her own cousin doesn't have any bad intentions towards her and that's upsetting.


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"I know he doesn't like the idea of me working there Taerin I mean it's fine! I'll go back to New York. " Dahyun said, caressing Taerin's arms. "Dahyun. Can you please be honest with me? "

"Sure. Go ahead and ask. " Dahyun said, too confident.

"He seemsㅡ "

"Uncomfortable when I'm around? I have no idea why Taerin. Maybe I'm just annoying." Dahyun cut her words,  causing Taerin to feel extremely guilty even that's what she was going to say.

"But what was the question? "

"Do you perhaps have anything with Minho? You know it well like he was a damn player before? I'm aware of that. Just making sure if he's ever played you. " Taerin asked, stirring the drink in front of her now that she's losing appetite.

"He has given me hope. "

Knowing Minho again, he's such a flirt. Maybe it's just her who catches feeling too fast, when he's not being serious at all. After all they were just work mates.

"Taerin, I don't think he's a good man for you. " Dahyun finally speak up the sentence she's been wanting to say all these while.

"Why ㅡ is that? " Taerin stuttered.

"He's a jerk. Can't you see it? "

"I'm sorry Dahyun but didn't you went overboard with your comments? He's my husband. " Taerin tried to shrug it off, acting cool like those words didn't hurt her at all.

It might just be something he did behind her? She refuse to believe that. He's perfect for her.

"I didn't mean it that way but I know him very well. More than you. You're getting yourself into trouble. Sooner or later you will find out." Dahyun said, crossing her arms.

Taerin sighs, stepping inside her house, plopped down to the couch rubbing her forehead she's super dizzy. Minho who was just from the upstairs stares at her.

"You look pretty. " Minho said as he sit next to her. Taerin nudges him, giggling. "Thank you. "

"Why are you back so late? Have you eaten yet sweetheart? " Minho said, pulling her closer resting her head on his shoulders. Playing with her hair.

"Nothing, just work. " she's lying. He could sense that.

"Alright then. Go wash up and rest. " Minho said in a very calm voice, making her feel good again after a rough day at work and also talking to her cousin who decided to make her blood boil in the end unfortunately she had to leave early that she couldn't stand her words anymore.

"Can I get a kiss? ㅡ "

Without even waiting for Taerin to finish her words, he gives her a light peck on her cheeks. "Is that enough? "

"That's some sort of healing though. " Taerin mumbled, snuggling into his arms. "Glad you feel it that way. " Minho whispers causing her to shock a bit now that he heard what she just said. It's still embarrassing.

"Taerin. About what I have said to you earlier this day, forget it okay? I'm sorry. Shouldn't have been that selfish. I'm sorry. " Minho said, wrapping his arms around her body. He likes cuddling now that Taerin realised it.

"It's alright Minho that was not selfish,"

"ㅡ you actually give a damn about our relationship and that's sweet. " Taerin said, under her breath before dozing off in his arms.

"Give a what? Taerin I didn't t hear you. " Minho tried to wake her up but it's useless. She's looking very cute sleeping in his hug.

Hdhdhdd sorry to keep yall waiting so here's an update anyway top and slump is so gooodddddd minho's top mv teaser got me xjdkdk im gonna fight that tiny piece of glass for hurting lino :(

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