22. Present

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Taerin is not feeling well so she decided to just stay at home, sleep all day on her bed. It has been a week that she's feeling unwell but that's normal since she's getting her period few days more.

Taerin reached for her iPad and browse something online. She then text Seungmin.

Kim Taerin:
have you gotten the thing
I asked u to do?

Kim Seungmin :
yes Mrs Lee.

Kim Taerin:
lol Mrs what.

Kim Seungmin:
Mrs Lee. lol
Anyway yes I've arranged it.
It should arrive by,
The evening?

Kim Taerin:
Thanks Seungmin.

Taerin sighs in relief reading the texts.

Should I text Minho?

Taerin scratches her temple staring at her phone. Minho is probably at the office stressing out with work. She's wondering if he's going to have a lunch with Momo later. Much to think about.

Taerin then slowly get of her bed and wall towards the door, opening it slowly. She took a glance at Minho's room before walking towards it.

Taerin open the door with its squeaking sound probably less of grease there. His room is well organized as expected from a former interior designer who's now one of the directors at Kim Corporations. Taerin lay down on his bed, sniffing his scent. He smells like vanilla, a very soft scent caught her nose.

It's almost like a baby and for God knows she loves that too much. Taerin hugged the bolster. "Is it bad if I actually think, you're not that bad after all. " Taerin said, staring at the ceiling. Continuing to enjoy his soft and warm scent.

Minho unlock the front door, eyes roaming around the living room looking for Taerin.

She's probably asleep he thought. Taerin is not that well either. Minho climbed the stairs walking towards his room only to see Taerin sleeping on top of his bed. He then slowly shut his door, hang his coat placing his files on the table. Minho loosen up his tie as he take a seat next to sleeping Taerin.

"Uh? You're back already? " Taerin rubs her eyes sitting up. Minho nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I was too sleepy. "

"Too sleepy that you can't even recognize your own room? " Minho asked Taerin who's still half awake.

"Are you, mad? " Taerin look up at Minho who's staring at her. He looks very tired and honestly very different from what she knows. "No. " he answered short.

"Alright. "

"-anyway, let's go to the backyard. I have something to show. Get up! " Taerin said, pulling Minho to get up with her as well. Minho on the other hand just let Taerin pulling him around like he has no energy left.

Taerin open up the back door revealing a huge, astonishing red matte car.

"No way. " Minho's eyes rounded, walking towards it slowly. He feels like his soul already left his body.

"This is for you. " Taerin said, slightly pointing at the car. "It's a freaking Audi r8 Kim Taerin you gotta be kidding me. " Minho crosses his arms. "Well I've come to the point of realisation of my life that I hate your current car and that I always slam your freaking car door so this is it. I just bought a new one for you. " Taerin smiled.

"It's not written in the contract. " Minho said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh my God you keep on mentioning that damn stupid contract. That's it if you don't want this car I'll just sell it back. " Taerin yelled, stomping off but Minho grabbed her waist pulling her closer. "Relax why are you mad? " Minho asked her, slightly leaning in.

"I'm not mad. " Taerin stuttered. Her heart was about to burst she just can't stand it. Lee Minho being an actual sweetheart? Bring it on.

"Alright I'll accept this car thank you so much, Kim Taerin. " Minho said, releasing his grip.

"That's it? "

Minho raised his eyebrows, not knowing what's inside her head. He's slow to know that Taerin wants more than a slight thanks from him.

"Yes? Why do you, perhaps want a baby in return of this gift?"

Taerin's eyes rounded and she quickly shook her head. She's turning red looking like a tomato she could even feel her face is burning like crazy. Taerin then walk in the house leaving him hanging.

Minho I hate that you make my heart jump like crazy when I know that we, would never ever fated to be together.

Y'all I can't stop listening to 바보라도 알아 it's such a good song anyway praise actor Minho actor Hyunjin we stan

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