28. Night

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Minho walk slowly, slow enough to avoid Taerin who's completely asleep to hear his footsteps. Minho look through her shelf until there's this one, thing caught his eyes. Probably her diary.

Her handwriting is great Minho is in love with the writing and the minimalist concept in her diary

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Her handwriting is great Minho is in love with the writing and the minimalist concept in her diary.

Minho chukled reading that and honestly he feels like a clown.

'im unlucky. I'll never ever be happy. With love. Loving someone sucks so much how I wish I can run. I just want to disappear at the moment and never come back. He cheated on me. Making out with a staff. I was about to cry the hell out of myself until that night, I was in Minho's arms. I feel safe thanks to him. '

'I don't think this day would come but, I had to say this. I have no one to talk to but, I don't wanna lose him. I don't really, don't but it's hard. It's really hard for me to tell him. I'll just ignore my feelings. '

'update: im feeling empty ever since bobby cheated on me what a trash lol but what do you expect men has never been nice to me.'

Minho's eyes rounded because he didn't expect Taerin to let out her thoughts by writing it on her journal. He then continue reading the other pages.

'if staying with me is such a burden to him then God please let him leave without hurting me. I was so dumb to actually start the agreement. Now I'm Catching Feelings with someone who don't even know what love is. It hurts again. '

"Taerin why are you hurting yourself? I'm not a good man." Minho mumbled, eyeing the sentences. He can feel it she wrote that with all her heart. Taerin is, so unpredictable.

Nara's face is playing inside his head. Someone who he once loved to death. Someone who understands him the most just left him like that. He promised that even she treated him like crap before, the feelings would never fade but it seems to be useless now that she's engaged with someone he hated during high school days.

Even Nara seems to haven't moved on from him as well he could feel that is a lie. Nara loves Jisung. For sure. It was all just, words. Empty words. He regretted open up about his feelings just now to Nara. Realizing it will be awkward again.

His ex.

'I feel happy when Minho is around but if he's with that Momo girl I'm gonna
:( he made me happy even if it's fake but thanks to him. His acting succeed. I like it. So much. I hope he kisses me again. no I'm joking. '

im so thankful for u. your presence, your smile, your voice & everything else about u. i thank god everyday to have put u in my path. maybe we’re not meant for each other but still I'm grateful that I've known you <3

"Had fun invading my privacy Minho? " Minho turns around, seeing Taerin who's already sitting up straight on her bed. Minho scratches his temple he's caught.

"It's not like that I was just ㅡ"

"So you, knew it? "

"Kind of. "

"That was, a very different side of me. Not me yeah not me. " Taerin stuttered.

"But why Taerin? I didn't do anything that can make you feel happy. I'm far from that. Are you still unclear of what my intention was when I stepped in your life? " Minho stood up, walking towards Taerin who's like half asleep.

"I know and I realised that I've made a huge mistake by, accidentally liking you. I'm such a fool. " Taerin chuckled a little. "Don't worry my feelings doesn't matter! What you've read just now please do ignore it. I beg you. " Taerin put her hands together.

"Kim Taerin. " Minho said as he walk closer, leaning his face close to Taerin. He then brushes his lips on top of hers, she kissed him back. He embraced her, Taerin likes it being in his arms. His hug his warm hug. She craves it for so long she feels safe now that he's doing it.

"You wanted it right? "

"Oh you read that too, I mean I was joking. I was, not too sane at the moment I'm sorry but thanks for the kiss. " Taerin stared at him who's just like 5cm apart from her face.

"They say, the first kiss in a relationship is the most important part. "

Minho chuckled hearing that thing, he just thought that Taerin is cute because of her cheeks. It's getting red and hot. "The one we did, in my car? But I thought you hated it? Bobby saw that didn't he? "

"I hated it but it somehow, I don't know I like it now. "

Minho stared at her lips, Taerin's plump lips it's pink. Probably because of all the lips products she applied on. It's soft. "I'm sorry that you had to go through this. " Minho released the hug but he offered his shoulder for Taerin to rest her head and she did.

"No I'm sorry. If only I was able to control myself you wouldn't feel all guilty about not liking meㅡ oh wait that sounds weird but I hope you get me. " Taerin let out a small laugh.

"We are both hurting in our own ways. We are the same. " Minho commented, rubbing her shoulders softly with his thumb.

"Who hurt you? You, had someone? Previously? " Taerin looks up to him, waiting for his answer.

"I did but I've decided that we should go with our path. We are friends now. It hurts so much Taerin that I feel like I don't want to be in that situation again. I don't want to be in love. At least if I'm rich I can have fun with all the money I had. " Minho explained with a little chuckled at the end. He's just letting his honest thought about being in love.

"I mean we can, work our relationship out? We can try? But it's okay if you don't want to I completely understand." Taerin said but then she hides herself under the blanket due to the overload of embarrassment.

"Taerin..." Minho said as he pull the blanket revealing Taerin's puppy eyes. He couldn't help it but to laugh at her cheekiness.

"Alright I'm sleepy good night." Minho said as he stood up walking towards the door.

"Minho! " Minho turns around as he was about to twist the doorknob. Taerin smiled widely.

"Good night sleep well. " Without even realizing the current situation Minho form an eye smile and nod.

'It feels like my world that were once crushed, formed again. It feels lively. "

anyway who's leading the ship is it minhoxtaerin or minhoxnara !! 😗😗😗

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