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Taerin waited for Minho at the lobby because he promised her to go to the adoption center. She then felt a tap on her shoulders and it was Bobby smiling all wide.

"You were drunk so bad that night. Are you alright now?"

"Of course I am. It's been days. Thanks for carrying me all the way from your car though. " Taerin flash a little smile. Bobby shakes his head and say it was nothing. "I have something to talk about but I guess this ain't the right time. " he smiled.

"It's okay just tell me thus I'm still waiting for Minho right now. " Taerin reassures him but he keep on insisting to not tell her about it today. "Taerin? Let's go. " Minho stated, as he walk towards where Taerin and Bobby are standing. Both of them excused themselves and make way to his car.

"What did you guys talked about? " Minho said, handling the steering like a pro. He looks hot when he's driving for sure Taerin thought. "He wanted to tell me something but yeah, he didn't. "

"Oh. I wonder what would that be." Minho commented.

"Why? I don't think you should, care about it? "

"Alright. " Minho replied, he took a glance at Taerin who's staring at him. "Your side profile is, so handsome. " that's it. That's the thing that makes Minho weak the most. He's turning red but then he looks away. "Well aware of that. One of the reasons why girls are after me. "

"So full of yourself, again. " Taerin rolled her eyes.

Taerin look around the adoption center where this one cat really caught her eye. Minho walks closer to her and nudges Taerin. "She looks like you. " he chuckled. "Really? Should I get her? " Taerin said, a little excited because that cat keep on looking at her as if she knew that Taerin likes her too much. Minho nodded fast.

"Hey little kitty you have no idea how much I love you. " Taerin said as she caressed its head. Taerin then take a look at Minho who's scrolling down fast his phone. "Minho do you have any idea on what to name this cute kitty? "

Minho look at her and squinted his eyes. "Uh I don't know? "

"Come on you're better than this. "

"Honey? "

"Yes? "

Minho's eyes rounded, Taerin then looks away, realising how awkward it gets when she answered Minho's way of calling the kitty honey.

It was supposed to be for the cat you dumb Kim Taerin I'm gonna curse you out. Taerin's mind starts to ruffle as she curses herself. "I'm gonna call her honey. Thanks for the suggestion. "

"No. Change it. " Minho said short, not even taking a glance at her because it's awkward.

"Why? It's cute though. "

"You might get confused if I call out honey. " Darn it Kim Taerin. He's playing with your feelings again. Taerin took a deep breathe.

"No I won't get confused like how I did seconds ago. That wasn't me." Taerin said as she take a glance at the cat who's staring blankly at her.

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