16. Beach

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Minho cooked breakfast for today. He grilled some sausage and fry some eggs. It's his turn today since they make rule they should take turn preparing for breakfast.

Both of them sits down and eat the foods. Taerin then breaks the silence. "The wedding is approaching. I need to see your parents this ain't a joke. " Taerin said, stuffing the sausages in her mouth. "Do we really need to? " Minho groaned in frustration.

"Of course we do. You don't want to invite your side? "

"My family is not that big though. "

"I don't care please don't embarrass me. We are going to see your parents. Right after our breakfast. " Taerin pointed the fork at his face. "Geez Miss Taerin we are working today! "

"I don't care." Taerin rolled her eyes.

"Ugh fine." Minho stood up and wash his plate. He climb the stairs to probably wash himself up and get ready.


Taerin's eyes roamed around as Minho slow his car down. It's not actually bad the place is quite alright. "Let's go. " Minho said short, getting out of his car. "Mom I'm home. " Minho shouted as he ring the bell.

Minho's mom open the door she smile widely and cups his face. She shakes it few times babying Minho. "Mom stop it I'm not a baby. " Taerin tried to hold her laughter. She then bowed to his mom. "Good morning I'm Kim
Taerin. " Minho's mom pats her back smiling so widely that her mouth could probably went off.

Minho's mom asked them to get in while she prepare something to drink.

"So this is your fiancé son? She's like match made in heaven. I like you. " Minho's mom smiled as she handed Taerin the cup. Taerin took it without hesitating. "Yes and the wedding is on next week. So please do come and invite all my cousins aunties, uncles just all. " Minho said as he gulped down the tea. His mom nodded fast.

"Mrs Lee I'm sorry that this seems a bit rushing but we don't, even expect it to be this fast. " Taerin explained politely.

"No worries. Minho is indeed secretive. He would never tell me if he has any problems he would just keep it to himself. I didn't knew that he had a girlfriend. Plus Taerin, be comfortable call me mom. " she smiled.

Taerin nodded. She feels good when Mrs Lee welcome her warmly unlike Minho on that day where Taerin made a surprise visit to his home why are they so different she thought. "Mimho help me in the kitchen. " Mrs Lee said short and lead the way to the kitchen. Taerin is feeling too sleepy and started to dozing off at the couch.

"Minho. "

"Yes mom? "

"Do you really, like her? "

Minho chuckled grabbing the knife, cutting some carrots. "What's with that unsure question? We are engaged for God sake mom. "

"Do you still go to the club? " Minho panicked covering his mom's mouth, afraid of his fiancé gonna hear what his mom said just now. Little did he knew that Taerin knows about him having mommies.

"I do sometimes but not as often as before. My father in law would caught me and cancel this wedding. " Minho explained continuing his cutting agenda. "You know Mrs Song sent me a flower wrath. I don't even know what do I do with that thing. "

"The worst thing is she called me mom. I'm like 5 years younger than her. " Mom looks terrified for sure.

"It's a good thing you're with Taerin now. Don't ever associate yourself with Mrs Song I don't want an older daughter in law. " Minho chuckled at his mom's words. "She's just for fun plus you know how rich she is right? "

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