30. Care

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Taerin couldn't stop staring at Minho as he's presenting his work to the upper positions. She's smiling like an idiot. Minho probably notices it but he choose to ignore it because he might burst out laughing.

"Mrs Taerin why are you giggling and stuff? The directors are looking at you. " Jihyo nudges her, half whispering.

"Thank you Mr Lee that was such a wonderful work from you. I'm expecting a lot." Director Park shook his hands as he leave the room. Minho nodded and bid a goodbye.

"Stop you're making me laugh. " Minho turns around as he saw Taerin smiling. Jihyo who's clueless just, let it slide. "Why are you guys so happy? Did something happened? Mrs Taerin are you pregnant?"

"No! " both Taerin and Minho shouted at the same time causing Jihyo to rounded her eyes then nodded. She then excused herself from the meeting room.

"People be accusing me pregnant isn't that weird? " Taerin teased him, nudging Minho a little.

"What else do people expect from a married couple Taerin. " Minho said as he collect all his paperwork, ready to leave the room.

"ㅡ anyway mom is coming over. With my cousins tonight. I forgot to inform you never mind I'll buy the foods. " Minho continued.

"No! Never mind I'll cook for mom. " Taerin smiled as she followed Minho from behind.

"Aren't you tired? "

"It's okay I haven't seen mom for such a long time. "

Minho nodded as he excused himself to his room.

ladies, it's never too late to impress your mother in law. Taerin thought to herself as she plopped down on the chair.

"So this is Suzy and Felix. " they bowed down to Taerin which cause Taerin to be a little bit uncomfortable because they might be older than her.

"Oh no please." Taerin tried to stop them but it's not working.

"You're probably, older than me right?" the male named Felix asked me as he eyed the dishes.

"Yes she's older than you Felix but she's way younger than Suzy. Noona you don't have to be so respectful with her it's fine she's young. " Suzy giggles a little and nod hearing his explanation.

"It's okay Taerin I hope we can get along. I've seen you only once at the wedding so I'm pretty curious to know more about you that is why I followed Aunty Lee here. " Taerin nodded and smile. Suzy seems very sweet.

"Got it, please enjoy the meal. " Taerin said as he pointed at the dishes.

"Your cooking is very nice Taerin. It's fascinating because you're a working lady. " Mrs Lee complimented her she feels like screaming because of it.

"Thank you mom I was hesitated about my cooking but I guess it was fine? " Taerin said.

"Yes it's good Taerin you're such a good cook. " Felix said, he's a really happy boy. "Also Taerin we are opening a cafe near the coex mall. Me and Suzy Noona's cafe. Please do pay attention visit whenever you're free. " Felix said, cheekily. Taerin nodded, insisting she would love to pay a visit.

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