63. please, live

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tw: might contain punching scene and blood or abuse hhhh don't read if you're uncomfortable!

"This place is so scary." Jeongin said, shutting the car door slowly. Dahyun refused to go inside as she doesn't want to meet Seungyoun she's too afraid of him. "Just go." Minho said short but intimidating enough since he's too mad at the moment. "You guys can wait here I'll look for Taerin inside." Minho said, both of them nodded. Minho walk along the dark alley as he found an old abandoned house it was too dark he could barely see anything. "Just why he couldn't pick a better place to kidnap someone this is just too cruel." Minho said, removing the branches that blocked his way.

As Minho stand in front of the house, he take a deep sighs, it wasn't locked. He was curious why wasn't it locked thus he slowly step in,

"Taerin?" there was just a single led light on the ceiling which barely shines, it doesn't really work.

"H-help?" Minho turns to his left when he saw Taerin was tied, laying down on the floor, shaking to death. "Taerin!" he immediately make his way to her, untying it. The bruises looks bad on both of her hands and legs not to mention he face, the corner of her head. The blood stain everywhere. "I can't-" Minho hold her, tucking her hair behind as she struggle to speak. Too weak to even open her eyes.

"Babe? We are going out of here." Minho said as he carried her bridal style placing her hands around his neck she buried her face on his chest.

"Maybe not so fast?" Minho turns around revealing four guys holding bat and gun. One of them slam the door and it was automatically locked.

"Enough Seungyoun- "

"Put her down." He aimed the gun on him. Minho was too shocked as he went there singlehandedly. To think about it that was a pretty dumb move he thought. He should have bring something to protect them. He was just thinking about Taerin and only Taerin he couldn't think straight.

Minho slowly put her down to make Seungyoun calm. As he was about to bend, Taerin whisper, crying slowly "No please don't do it he's going to kill you." She grips hard on his collar not wanting to let it go. "My priority is you. Don't worry Taerin I'm going to be alright." Minho whisper back slowly putting her down. Taerin shakes her head still crying due to her trauma.

"Alright enough of your romance drama here Minho. Now come here." he said, signalling Minho to come closer. "Stop it. You won't gain anything from this." Minho said as he walk slowly towards him.

"Uh haven't heard of satisfaction? I don't know Minho I freaking hate guys like you. You got a good woman loving you but all you care about was about her wealth? Not to mention you flirting with other women knowing you're married gosh what a trash." He punched Minho's stomach making him coughs heavily several times. It look hurts so bad. Taerin wanted to help him but she can't get up she could barely walk. "Surrender?"

Minho didn't reply. Bearing the pain. "I guess that's a yes. Have you signed the divorce paper though? Oh poor the worst couple ever." He chuckled, taking a seat next to Minho. As he tried to get up the other guys held him down punching him in the face, hitting his head with a wood.

"Please stop.." Taerin yelled, trying to get up but a guy held her roughly pulling her back, as Minho saw that he quickly get up pushing everyone he run towards Taerin.

"settle it with me don't touch Taerin." He said as he pull Taerin to him. He gain courages after seeing his wife getting hurt so bad eventhough he, himself is in a critical condition. "You guys heard that? Maybe it's fun to play with the guys instead."

"Take him." Seungyoun ordered, one of the guys push Taerin so hard to the ground, dragging weak Minho before proceeding to punch him bad, kick all sort of bad things at the corner Taerin couldn't help but just to cry she was too scared at the moment. "Minho don't die." She mumbled as she witness him getting hurt so bad because of her. He could barely open his eyes after those violences. She saw tears escaping his eyes.

Taerin, it's not because I'm weak. It's because you need to see me at my lowest. I couldn't fight back for you.

Even though I get hurt so bad I'm glad I get to see you, even if I won't be here with you anymore.

Even if I'm going up there.

Taerin panicked as she saw him pointing his gun at her husband, she tried to get up, holding Seungyoun from his back. "Seungyoun I'm begging you don't do it. Please....... I'll do anything just don't..." Taerin cried so hard hugging his back tighter.

He paused for a bit. "Get off me Taerin." He tried to release himself.

"Just shoot me. If that's what makes you happy but promise me to let her live." Minho mumbled, sounding so weak as the guys held him waiting for Seungyoun.

"Minho stop are you crazy?! You promised me nothing won't happen!" Taerin yelled again, tears escaping her eyes like crazy she couldn't think straight of what's happening. He turns round pushing Taerin to the ground causing a loud pounding on her head, bleeding again. Minho was shocked witnessing that as he was about to point a gun on him, a loud bang comes from the door revealing Jeongin and the police.

"There," Jeongin said short, they quickly raid in, without taking a glance he shoot Minho.

Minho groan in pain because he was too fast. The police quickly take him as he look at Minho. Minho fell to the ground, not being able to bear the pain. Jeongin tried to get him up but he refuse, "No, save Taerin first." He mumbled, half groaning. "I called the ambulance." Dahyun said as they watch the guys being dragged with police. Minho sighs heavily, covering his bleeding stomach.

Taerin is unconscious, her face is pale as well. Minho move closer to her. "Please, live." He whispered his eyes gets teary looking at her. "Hyung you're bleeding so bad." Jeongin said, panicked as the ambulance arrives, they quickly escort both Taerin and Minho.

" Jeongin said, panicked as the ambulance arrives, they quickly escort both Taerin and Minho

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I suddenly got sad writing this chapter lmaooooooo

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