27. Diary

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"What? "

"I'm sorry that was quick. "

"It's alright I, completely
understand. " Minho flashed a bitter smile. "Sorry for, bursting out just now. I'm not feeling that well these days Nara. I will take it down soon. Don't worry. " Nara nodded and smiled a little feeling awkward after what happened just now.

"I hope you're happy with Jisung. Don't ever think about our past. Like I said, I moved on. " For sure he had to lie. He can't bear seeing Nara being all sad again. Although it wasn't his fault it was her who left him for Jisung back then.

Nara nodded slowly.

"And you too. With Taerin. "

"Geez what are you saying? It was a contract we will split few months later. " Minho chuckled a bit sipping soju.

"She's charming you will fall for her. Or maybe you already did? " Nara giggles.

"I won't because I only have y— I mean no I won't. " Minho slightly pinch his own thighs. "Well okay we will see. " Nara smiled widely at him trying to shrug off the awkwardness.

Nara then stood up because she get called by the manager. She told Minho that she need to continue her work Minho nodded and signalled her to go.  As she left Minho let out a heavy sigh something that has been bothering him all these while he finally let them out. How hard it was to endure it. By the time Nara told him that she's engaged to Jisung, that break his heart.

And now that he need to accept the reality that they don't go well with each other. His love life with her were already vanishes away it's gone. He need to accept the fact that he will never find the one.

Is this the reason why I hardly open my heart to anyone? Because of Jung Nara?

I miss our great times together as a couple. I know we’re bestfriends now and it hurts talking to you everyday as if you didn’t break my heart that night. I know I deserve so much more and it sucks admitting I would take you back any day. If I could. It sucks feeling so insecure. Minho shook his head. He shouldn't have felt that way. Again.

It comes to realisation that he hasn't deleted their pictures together on instagram and the fact that Taerin might probably saw it.

It must be super awkward.

And also the photo on the wall Taerin probably saw it too. Does she just choose to ignore it or?

"Have you been feeling well? Living with that jerk? " Bobby said as he stir up his drink.

"Stop calling him a jerk. You're a
jerk. " Taerin rolled her eyes taking a glance on Bobby. "Seems like you fell for him already. Ugh what I said was true. You won't be able to control yourself Kim Taerin. "

"And what about it Bobby? I have rights to do it so. "

"Do you think he likes you? I don't think he do. "

"It doesn't matter. Because we are going to divorce anyway. " Taerin crosses her arms acting like she's unbothered when in fact that he feels like screaming everytime she mentioned the word divorce.

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