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"Noona, you're a crying mess." Jeongin walked in her room, he just got back from school and it has been a week since Taerin is staying with her family again. No one even bother to ask what is wrong with her but of course, they are not kids, probably about her love life. Jeongin knew it so does his parents but not the reason why Taerin refused to see his husband. Minho on the other side won't event bother to look for her as long as she's currently staying there and that breaks her although it was her wish.

He's probably with Momo again. Idiot. Kim Taerin is an idiot.

"I hope you grow up not breaking girls heart. They're precious. You got me?'' Taerin said, wiping her tears away.

"Chill. I just got back from school." Jeongin plopped down on her couch. Eyeing his sister's puffy eyes honestly he doesn't have much to say since he's not in her shoes. "So, is hyung that bad? What did he do to you?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Taerin replied, looking away.

"Taerin come on tell me maybe I can help!" Jeongin jump into the bed next to her, hugging his sister.

"He cheated on me." Jeongin's eyes rounded. "No way he would cheat on you-"

"He did. No matter how hard you try to deny or how hard you refuse to believe it he did, Jeongin." Taerin said, about to cry again. It's hard. It really does. She loved him too much and that was the biggest mistake ever. Knowing how unreliable he was at the first. She thought he changed. Fully. Sadly it was just a sweet dream. It didn't last long. Oh how she wanted to wake up to the day she first met him. She would avoid Minho, not falling too hard for him.

"Anyway, since you're like, free and all mind if we go out? You seem miserable."

Taerin agreed thus she asked Jeongin to leave her alone while she get dressed.

"Gosh wait here for awhile I asked for chocolate milk not coffee!" Jeongin whined as he stomp in the café trying to change his drink. Taerin just shook her head, looking at her brother admiring how cute he is. He's all grown up but still acting like a baby.

"Taerin? Is that you?" Taerin turn her back to where the voice belongs and there standing, a tall guy she had to look up for a bit because he was too tall. "Seungyoun? What a coincidence." Taerin let out a small chuckle nudging him. Seungyoun nod, he asked if he can join her and Taerin agreed. "Oh the scar is fading. I'm glad you're alright." Taerin pointed at his face. Seungyoun giggled, looking at how gorgeous Taerin is but too bad she's not his. "Yes it was a very rough time." Taerin just laugh at his response.

"Anyway, Ms Hirai sent me for a meeting with your company but they eventually canceled it. May I know why Taerin?" Seungyoun let out his curious thought while she just sighs heavily rolling her eyes. "I don't handle the company anymore. Don't ask me." Taerin replied, eyeing Jeongin who's looking confused as he saw Seungyoun there but he just sit next to Taerin, not wanting to ask anything his sister might pinch him if he's loud.

"I knew it. You had a fight again? "

"It's none of your business." Jeongin commented.

"Jeongin don't say it like that. Anyway Seungyoun I might be less comfortable to talk about this. I hope you get me." Jeongin then excuse himself as someone was calling him. "You know you can always hit me up if you have any problem? I'm your, friend right?'' Seungyoun asked, smiling widely at her.

Taerin couldn't help but to smile at him showing support. One of the things she needed the most at the moment. She's kinda glad he's there. Well at least she can forget about what has hurt her.

"I've always knew it. It would end up this way. Like I said, I'm here if you need me babe."


It feels different.

Oh how she missed....


"Uh yes?" she came back to her sense, nodding. "Yeah of course I wouldn't mind to actually use your help. Thank you Seungyoun." Taerin smiled feeling relieved as she receive emotional support from him. He was always good with his words, he's kind, he just treat her well ever since their first meeting as a stranger. In other word, someone swho actually appreciate her presence?

"You know I like you?"

Taerin was about to choke on her drink Seungyoun quickly handed her a handkerchief. Taerin rejected it saying she's fine. "I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but I don't think I can handle these emotions anymore. You were encouraging me when you find out I broke up with my girlfriend months ago you remember? I was touched but when I find out that you were married, I was just going to let it go. Hoping that someone I like would get a better treatment with the on she loved. Seeing you like this hurts me. I wish I can take care of you. Better than Minho did." Seungyoun said rubbing the back of his neck. His face turns red as she could the sincerity coming from him.

"I mean I know you love your husband for sure but I was just letting out these feelings. Please don't make it awkward though." Seungyoun let out a nervous chuckle as he saw taerin hasn't blinked for almost a minute now.

"Oh wow I – " Taerin lay her back on the chair feeling exhausted from thinking too much.

"I'm really sorry maybe just forget it. I'm leaving now. Good bye. Uhm, maybe if you want to talk just give me a call. I would glad to be able to help you." Seungyoun waves his hand before leaving her. Taerin nod in response, smiling.


You're too nice.

but....i can't just let you...

Reading the comments crack me up ahaha !! everyone wanted to fight me hahah chill😊

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