10. Home

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Taerin stopped her car in front of Minho's house only to see him stretching himself out he then realised that Taerin stared at him from her car. Minho quickly stand up like usual and act like nothing happen.

"Oh Taerin? Anything? " Minho approaches her slowly. Taerin leans on her car. She took off her sunglasses. "Dad ask you to move in. "

"Hell what? To your house? " Minho's eyes rounded. Why the hell would he move into their big house? It's not like he's complaining but, isn't it too early to move in? "Practically yes my house. The one dad bought for me and my partner. "

"Me? " Minho said, half chuckling.

"Physically yes, mentally no. " Taerin flash a smile and she stepped into Minho's house. It's a pretty decent place for a single guy. The design is very good since of course he's a designer. It suits his personality well. Taerin look around feeling amaze.

"Close your mouth Ms Taerin you're drooling. " Minho nudges her.

"Well I'll go and pack my things now you can wait here. If you want anything to drink just find it inside my fridge. " Minho said as he walk towards the staircase and went upstairs. Taerin plopped down to the couch sighing. She rest her head but something caught her attention once again. It's a medium sized frame.

"Now what is this?" Taerin mumbled as she approach the frame which is still hanging on the wall. It's a photo of Minho hugging a girl. It looks like the same girl on his instagram that day. Although the face wasn't that clear but that figure, she knew it's the same girl. They look very close it's possible if they are just friends she thought.

This man is really hiding a lot of thing from her. That explains why he's just after her money which is a good thing she can just be with Bobby without having to force herself to love another man. So he got a cling? She wanted to ask him about it but that would make her looks very interested in him.

But there's nothing wrong to just, ask right?

"Hey. " Minho nudges her, handing a cup. It's a coffee.

Taerin's mouth is like completely sealed she just couldn't let the question slip out of her mouth so she just, stay curious about it. "Do I need to bring in my couch, my bed, my TV and my fridge as well? " Minho asked her half joking.

Taerin rolled her eyes and shakes her head. "You know you can just text me and send the location why do you need to raid my house? "

Taerin's lips move apart she was low-key hurt by his words. He isn't welcoming her at all is it? Is it like that? Taerin took a deep breathe and sips her coffee. "It's okay I just want to see your house too and surprisingly it was far good than what I thought. " Taerin placed the cup on the table and crosses her arms. Minho chuckled.

"You just wanted to downgrade me."

"No I'm not but if that's what you think then fine whatever. " Taerin said as he stood up, reaching for her black Prada handbag.

"Hey stop don't go back yet. " Minho said pulling her down causing Taerin to sit back next to him. "So how's you and Bobby? " Minho asked, smirking. For sure she's  going to get teased by him again. He's a prankster for sure he loved that when Taerin's mad at him it just gives him some sort of satisfaction because of his stabbing words.

"How's what? We are still like usual. "

"Really? Oh no it must be sad seeing his cousin- I mean girlfriend marrying another guy. What makes it sadder is the guy is hotter than him. " Minho rubs his temple which annoys the hell out of Taerin.

"Step cousin. " Taerin clears her throat.

"But it's still gross. " Minho said, staring at Taerin who's looking like she was about to kick him in the face. "Stop doing that face or I'll kiss you. " Taerin's eyes rounded and watch Minho walked away to the kitchen.

"Stay here I'm gonna cook for my guest. " he yelled, with a single blink.


Taerin feels like something poking her arms causing her to sit up straight. Little did she realized that she's been asleep on the couch for an hour. "Did you dreamed of me? " Minho said as he placed the dishes on the table.

"No. " Taerin replied short as she eyed the meals. It looks pretty good, the smells stuck in her nose causing her to drool.

"Are you sure you're the one who cooked this? Or you just ordered the foods? " Taerin stated holding the chopstick. "Geez that's what someone who fell asleep in a guy's house said. I mean if you're up you can see me diligently cooking. " Minho said, feeding himself with the grilled chicken.

Taerin tasted Minho's cooking and surprisingly it tastes superb like how it looks. He's a good cook she gotta admit that. Silence as they eat, Minho looks like he's enjoying his own cooking.

"Why did you upload it? " Minho looks up.

"Hmm? "

"My picture. You secretly took it. " Taerin stated, eyes still on her plate.

"Oh. You stalked my account? "

"I didn't. Seungmin sent it to me. " Taerin lied just because she just feel like it. Minho nodded. "Why? Is it a crime? I don't see any problem with that. "

"Chill. I was just asking. " Taerin rolled her eyes. "You secretly like it. " Minho nudges her. "Because Bobby never get the chance to do it like
that. " he continued.

"Stop dragging him. I'm going back now thanks for the meal. I'll be waiting for you at home. " Taerin stood up and grab her handbag. "Wait for me? Alright I guess you love it when I kiss you it does gives you impact." Minho joked.


please vote my stories as well because it's on of my motivation to keep this going sksksksk

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