26. Regret

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"Alright thank you so much for distributing in this project Ms Momo. I'm glad we actually have completed this project. " Minho said as he stood up, buttoning his shirt followed by Jihyo besides him.

Momo smiled widely and signalling Minho to wait for her outside.

After all the staffs left, Minho signalled Jihyo to wait for him at the lobby. Jihyo nodded and leave him and Momo alone outside the room.

"So we have a date? "

"Date? What date? " Minho rolled his eyes unrolling his sleeves.

"Come on Minho why are you so cold towards me? " Momo tried to hold his hands but Minho pulled it right away. "Is it because of your stupid wife? " Momo crosses her arms looking away.

"Don't call her stupid. You are stupid. Flirting with a man and the fact that I'm younger than you. Go and get a life. " Minho yelled a bit but slow enough to avoid the staffs from hearing them.

Momo's lips move apart as he saw Minho staring at her, full of anger.

"You're the who flirted with me first you scumbag! " Momo shouted at him,  causing the staffs to put their eyes on them. Minho started to feel embarrassed he couldn't say anything but to leave the scene and quickly went to the lift whoever the staffs are still looking at him.

"Hey Lee Minho come back you ungrateful ass! I'm gonna end you! You hear that?! " Momo keeps on yelling at him.

Minho sighs in relief as he got in the lift.

When it arrives at the lobby he saw Jihyo smiling at him, standing still. They were silence in car until Jihyo decided to break it.

"Mr Minho is it okay I ask you something? "

Minho nodded and signalled her to continue. "Do you, perhaps have something with, Ms Momo? "

Minho gulps down.

"It's okay I won't tell Mrs Taerin anything. Feel free to spill. " Jihyo nudges him which makes Minho a bit uncomfortable. Should he trust Jihyo?

"Nothing going on between us Jihyo. " Minho stated, eyes on the road.

"You know you shouldn't treat her that way if you love her. " Jihyo look out the window.

Minho scratches his temple trying to understand what she's saying. "What exactly are you saying, Jihyo? "

"I'm really close with Mrs Taerin and I know it all about the agreement. That's dumb but I guess both of you didn't even follow the rules? Quit playing Mr Minho I know what's going on inside your head. " Jihyo squinted her eyes noticing Minho who's already pre-sweating for sure. He seems nervous.

"I—I don't. Well I'm glad that you knew this but for sure, I don't love her. I will get the fuck out of her life 4 months from now. What makes you think I break the rules? God damn it Jihyo. You're assuming things and so quick to jump into conclusion. " Minho yelled a bit.

"You're sweating. "

"I'm not sweating and please I don't care if she, liked me or whatever you call that but please I hope she stays professional. " Jihyo's eyes rounded hearing what he got to say. It's like the other way around of what Taerin has told her. He's sweet and caring but today it seems like, different?

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