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"Taerin why did you take my job? I was supposed to work with Minho? " Dahyun came in Taerin's room, slamming the door.

"Minho asked me to keep him accompany. It's okay Dahyun I won't keep the commission you can take it." Taerin smiled.

"No way! It's not about the commission. It's about you! You're being so annoying. You didn't even tell me about this. I worked my ass off for this and you came in suddenly taking my position away from this job? Taerin please if you do hate me that much just tell me." Dahyun yelled, pointing at herself.

Taerin rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry for the unprofessionalism I've showed you but the thing is Dahyun, I just want to ask you a question. " Taerin stood up, walking closer to her.

"Do you, by any chances like my husband? "

"What do you mean? " Dahyun asked back, she seems confident not even scare of Taerin by the fact that Taerin is younger than her.

"Just asking. " Taerin said short.

"Sad fact that I liked him but he doesn't feel the same. That's it. " Dahyun crosses her arms.

"He likes you. " she continued.

"And I don't like that. " Dahyun grip her arms, very strong that Taerin couldn't even pull it back. "Dahyun what are you doing?" she yelled.

"You've been dying to know about that right? How I wish I could push you off the cliff. " Dahyun pushes Taerin hard to the edge of the table.

"Taerin! Wake up! " Minho touch her face trying to wake Taerin up since she's been talking nonsense. She hurt herself while sleeping. The edge of her forehead is wounded due to her aggressive moves she accidentally bumped herself into the dressing table next to their bed.

"Minho!" Taerin woke up screaming, crying her eyes out. She immediately hug him, burying her face on his chest. "Taerin why? Hey? " Minho place his hands on her back trying to calm her down.

He understand fully she couldn't talk at the moment. She has been acting very weird since the day she was hospitalized, suddenly fainting and that concerns him a lot. Why wouldn't she open up about it? She's hiding something from him he's sure about that.

"Minho please don't leave me. " Taerin look up, her eyes are full of tears nose is red, same goes to her cheeks is turning so red at the moment.

"I won't. What's wrong? Nightmare, babygirl? " he asked, sounding so soft that could melt anyone that hear it.

Taerin nodded slowly placing her head on his chest again, hearing his heart beating for her. "What was it about? " Minho play with her soft hair, trying to make her calm.

"Dㅡ you. " Taerin stuttered.

"Me? What did I do? Did I hurt you? "

"No, no. It wasn't like that it was just, never mind. " Taerin shake his head.

"It's fine it's just a dream I won't hurt you. " Minho said grabbing the back of her head bringing their face close, pressing their foreheads together. "Stop crying baby." he said very softly.

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