24. Space

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"Eat. " Seungmin said as he pointed at Taerin's untouched a bowl of Jjampong. It feels like she's hallucinating seeing Minho's face in there. Jjampong. The Jjampong that Minho's mom cooked for them back then it was still inside her mind.

"Seungmin. " Seungmin's eyes rounded as he gulp down his noodle, looking at Taerin who's about to cry.

"Mrs Taerin why are you crying? You asked me to eat Jjampong with you but now you're causing a scene right now Mrs Taerin please. " Seungmin rubs his temple. "I don't know if I should tell you this. " Taerin tried to hold her tears back.

"Tell me Mrs Taerin is anything wrong? "

"I- I've made a huge mistake. "

"Huh? Mind to explain it? " Seungmin scratches his temple again now that he's extremely confuse because of his boss.

"My marriage. It was an agreement. " Taerin said, playing with her food she almost got them into her eyes.

"Agreement? Geez I knew it. " Seungmin sit back, he crosses his arms chuckling a bit. "Was it too obvious?"

"No but my instincts were right. Like I know you're with Bobby and stuff but? Suddenly marrying a man we barely knew? I know that something fishy was going on Mrs Taerin and about the mistake, what mistake?" Seungmin said as he fed himself again.

Taerin take a deep breathe before explaining it. "The agreement says that we shouldn't interfere each others love life basically leads to not loving each other. But I think I kind of broke the agreement? "

"You fell for him?"

"I don't know. " Taerin sighs again as she sips the juice very quickly because she's feeling nervous. "What did you guys get in return of, marrying each other? " Seungmin continued.

"I got the position and he got the money I promised him. My father really wanted me to marry Minho cause he's nice to him. I don't know Seungmin. At first I thought that he's merely a jerk. Like an extreme jerk. But day by day I actually? I don't know. " Taerin rubs her eyes. "Then tell him. " Seungmin replied short.

"I wish it's as easy as you say. "

"And why is that? "

"He likes Ms Hirai. "

"No way? Ms Hirai as in Ms Hirai Momo? The CEO of Hirai group? Are you for real Mrs Taerin? " Seungmin shouted a little causing Taerin to panicked. "Momo came to our house, she was looking for him but he wasn't there. "

"Did Minho tell you that he likes
her? "

Taerin shook her head staring at her bowl. "Then it's not confirmed yet. " Seungmin keep on reassuring her. "So does that makes Minho is after you just because of money? Damn what a gold digger. " Seungmin replied. "He's a man without love. I don't know Seungmin I'm miserable. We have 4 months left before we split."

"Do something Mrs Taerin. "

"No I will just let it slide. My feelings don't matter. " Seungmin sighs looking at Taerin her teenage is getting more and more visible. It's too obvious that she's been worrying about something.

Taerin on the other side cried almost every night because of Minho sudden change of attitude towards her. He's cold to her, no more good morning and good night wish or him texting Taerin asking if she's eaten or not. They're like total strangers who lives in the same house and it hurts her so bad.

Well guess that's he's drawing a line between both of them.

"Mr Minho, this is your coffee that you asked for earlier. " Jihyo smiled as she placed the cup on top of Minho's table. Minho smiled and thank Jihyo but he stopped her from leaving. She sit across Minho waiting for him to speak.

"Jihyo. How do you act like if you love or like someone? "

Jihyo chuckled a bit feeling embarrassed by his question. "Well I, I wouldn't know how to act around the person I like. "

"Oh. I see. " Minho replied short.

"Why are you asking such question Mr Minho? "

"Nothing. "

"Yes it's just weird because aren't you married? I was just curious that you suddenly asking me such question. " Jihyo scratches her head ruining her hair a little. "Yes right I'm married oh my. You can leave Jihyo thanks for the coffee. " Jihyo bowed before she just the door slowly.

Minho rest his head on the chair. He rubs his face softly because he's feeling a bit sleepy since its noon.

Why would Taerin cried on the other day? Did I perhaps hurt her or something?

She's been acting weird as well everytime she mentioned Momo.

They rarely talk after Taerin cried that night Minho wouldn't want to bother her he's honestly not ready to talk to Taerin he might hurt her. He hasn't contacted Momo as well. Minho honestly doesn't have any feelings towards Momo he's doing it just because of the awaiting billions project that would make Kim Corporations richer than what they already are.

It's starting to get boring when Taerin doesn't talk to him at home usually there's something dumb or stupid to talk to but now she won't even talk, even a bit.

Hirai Momo:
babe you haven't texted
me for days.
are u aliveee

Lee Minho :
sorry I was busy.

Hirai Momo:
why r u acting so cold.
I went to ur house.
and ur stupid wife says
that you weren't there.
u didn't tell me anything

Lee Minho:
who are u calling stupid?
Taerin is not stupid.

Hirai Momo:
Babe? she's stupid.
Because she can't take care of u
if she's not then you wouldnt
be out here chasing for me.

Lee Minho:
I need space.

Minho let out a heavy sigh Momo did crossed the line sometimes. They're not even a couple what she's been declaring it for? For God sake he's there just for the business. The kiss was also part of the acting why she has been thirsting for him?

And now that Taerin is distancing herself from him makes him feel even more lonely.

Get it right Lee Minho you're here for money. Nothing more than that.

thanks for 3k ! ❤

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