67. Finale

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Minho's steps shake as he walk slowly towards the room, he saw Mrs Kim and Jeongin both of them waiting outside Taerin's room looking at him he bowed a bit. She doesn't involve in Mr Kim's fraud. He's been caught for a fraud involving a huge amount of money years ago and that explains why he could be living so easily. He lied to big companies but there was no proof until Bobby tried to expose him. Mr Kim has been caught and sent to jail after the report being made. Minho would have never thought he would do something like that, if it's not for Taerin then he wouldn't do that. Of course Mrs Kim would feel sad about that but, crime is a crime;

"Mom, I'm sorry about what happened – "

"First Taerin, and now my husband. I don't know why my life leads to this we were so happy – " she cried as Jeongin pat her back, comforting her.  "I'm sorry again – " Minho bowed, his voice soften.

"I have no idea he would sign the letter. Why would he sacrifice Taerin's life? She's our only princess, Jeongin's only sister. My daughter.... Can we do anything about it Minho?" she said, Minho barely could understand her words, he shake his head. "No....mom. We can't." She keep on crying so bad.

He tried to be strong again as he take a glance inside the room. There lays a clueless princess he thought. Still no response until today. He would never be tired of waiting for her but she can't survive anymore eventually they need to remove the machine, she's leaving him. Leaving everyone who loves her. He never thought their love story would end just like this.

"Are you leaving to Australia today, hyung?" Jeongin asked, still comforting his mom by laying her head on his shoulder. "Yeah." Minho answered short still couldn't remove his gaze from Taerin. Jeongin is also good at hiding his feelings. Minho is sure Jeongin would breakdown anytime but he need to be there for his mom who's currently too weak to even do anything. Thus he tried to distract himself by asking Minho bunch of questions. "Thank you for taking care of my sister. Thank you for loving her when we couldn't give the same amount of love like you did to her." He continued, sounding a little blue from his tone.

He decided to move to Australia after all of this ends. He got works to do there. It's better than to live here with all the memories when she's gone.

He felt bad once again, he didn't take a good care of her. He's disappointed, heart aching love.

"Are you going to wait here until they remove the machine-"

"No. I'll leave now." Minho cut his words. He wouldn't be able to contain his feelings, looking at her suffer for the last time. Jeongin look at him in confusion, but he still understand the reason why, he would do the same for sure. "Minho you're not going to wait here?" Mrs Kim asked as he stop Minho from going up. He sat back, next to her slowly shaking his head flashing a bitter smile. "I understand. Thank you once again for making Taerin happy. I owe my life to you." She form a thin smile, just full of pain. She hold his hand showing that she's grateful for him. At this point she just need to be positive there's nothing she can really do about it.

"Thank you for giving us your blessing, Mrs Kim." Minho smiled.

"You can always call me mom. Even if my princess won't be here anymore. You would always be my son, you got that Minho? I love you like my very own son." She said, taken aback by him calling her Mrs Kim, she hold his hand but tighter showing that she really meant it. Minho nod his head slowly. "I'm just gonna see her for the last time." Minho said, getting up.

As the door open, Minho smiled. "Sweetheart? I'm here. I promised to see you everyday right? I miss you." Her hand twitches a bit, probably another sudden light response. "I know you missed me too maybe. Right? Anyway I'm leaving now. Just the place. I'm going to remember you all of my life. You're the one I love of course." He said, stroking her hair. "I'm leaving. I can't see you in pain again. I promise whenever I came back to Seoul I, I will buy you flowers. You're going to rest with our baby. Don't think too much about this cruel world okay?"

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