44. Faint

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Minho has been stressing out now that Dahyun's room is just across him. He just can't work in peace knowing the fact that, it happened. Minho just pull the curtain in so that he won't be able to see anything.

"God I wanna go home so bad. " Minho mumbled as if the problem is going to vanish away if he's at home.

"Mr Lee. This is your schedule. " Seungmin said as he shut the door, placing a file on top of the table. Minho take a short glance on it, and saw his name with Dahyun's.

As Seungmin was about to leave, he stopped him. "Yes? "

"With Dahyun? " Minho raised his eyebrows.

June 5th 5pm. 
Lee Minho & Kim Dahyun
-meeting with Hirai Group.

Seungmin nodded. "You seem to have a problem with her. What is it? Tell me if you want to. " Seungmin then take a seat facing Minho who looks miserable. "It's like, I'm pretty sure you know the reason why I married Taerin ㅡ "

"Of course. " Seungmin cut his words.

"ㅡ and Dahyun, she used to like me. We worked together. I had no idea that Dahyun is Taerin's cousin but then when I found out of course I wouldn't want to miss the chance to, get closer to Taerin. " Minho explained reminiscing his old days.

"You're saying that you used Ms Kim for that? "

"Kind of. " Minho chuckled a little. "And like Dahyun is getting her revenge on you? That's cliché. " Seungmin laughs. "You will never know what she capable of doing. She tried to kiss me in my fucking room. "

"It's ridiculous how Taerin didn't notice that she tried to get you back. Isn't that fishy Mr Lee? I mean, Taerin is not that dumb or maybe she has noticed it but she's just, acting like an idiot. " Seungmin said, that low-key got him. Right, Taerin is, fast paced in thinking.

"No. Dahyun wasn't that obvious, Seungmin but perhaps can you change this? I don't want to go with her and I'm not handling anything related to Hirai group anymore. " Minho tossed the file away.

"Be professional Mr Lee. Don't mix up your personal problems with work. " Seungmin stated, feeling slightly annoyed with Minho who's acting childish he thought. Ms Kim wouldn't be that bad by far he has known her.

Seungmin then got up and leave Minho alone. "What is wrong with him oh my, I'm losing my mind. " Minho rubs his forehead.

"Taerin. Are you alright? " Taerin take a short glance at Bobby. They were assigned to attend a meeting together at an office in Itaewon but Taerin is not feeling good at all ever since the meeting started. She couldn't even focused on the meeting. Even the attendees notices it.

"Yes of course. I'm just, I need water. I'm dehydrated but it's okay I'll get it after the meeting ended. " Taerin tried to laugh it off but in fact that she's feeling extremely unwell at the moment but she just couldn't let it out. Taerin doesn't want to ruin the meeting.

"Are you sure? You look like you could collapse at any time right now Taerin. " Bobby asked, concern.

Taerin nodded, looking weak and pale.

After the meeting ended Taerin sit outside waiting for Bobby to get her some water. "Here. " Bobby handed her a bottle.

"Are you alright? Want me to take you to the hospital? You look so pale Kim Taerin. " Bobby said, placing his hand on her forehead trying to check up on her temperature and she's burning.

"Taerin you got fever. Let's go. " Bobby tried to drag her but she just stay still sitting there, gulping down the water refusing to come along.

"Fine if you don't want to go to the hospital I'll send you home or do you want me to call Minho? To fetch you here? " Bobby ask, sitting next to her again.

"It's fine I can go back to the office by my own. It's still early to go back home. " Taerin tried to stand up but fall again. Her legs are trembling, too weak. She groaned feeling some sort of annoyed that she couldn't stand up properly.

"You're so stubborn. " Bobby stated, pulling her arms trying to lift her up helping her to walk but eventually Taerin was too sick that made her faint, her back on the ground. "Oh my, Taerin wake up! " Bobby panicked as he touch her cheeks repeatedly trying to wake her up but that's just useless.

"Hmm? " Taerin slowly open her eyes, she's in her room. It feels nice and chilly makes her sleepy.

"Baby? Are you alright? " Minho asked as he noticed Taerin is awake.

"I passed out? " Taerin asked him, half awake. Minho nodded letting out a small chuckle.

"Stop chuckling you look hot. " Taerin rolled her eyes. The audacity to flirt when she's in that state of nearly to death. "You got fever. Bobby said you refused to go to the hospital so I take you home. " Minho explained, running his fingers through her hair, the other hand cupping her left check rubbing it with his thumb.

"Your body is hot. Are you sure you don't want to go on a check up? I'm worried. " Minho said. Wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm fine! I was just dehydrated. Now get off me I'm going to get myself a drink. " Taerin said releasing herself from his hug. She loved it when Minho showed his love gesture by hugging her but she couldn't hold it or else her heart will explode. Same goes to her stomach. The whole zoo is going to be wild if she stay any longer cuddling with him.

aaaaaaaaa sorry for the late update <333 I've pre ordered the limited edition album sjsjsjsj going broke... the trailer was just so good AND CHERRYLINO!!! RED HAIR MINHOOOOOO what a good time to be alive...also hwang hyunjin wrecking my bias list..i forgot how to breathe... </3

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