34. Jeongin

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Taerin stared at Jeongin who's sitting on the couch inside of her office room. Jeongin went to her office right after school because no one is home and he's not used to that.

"Taerin I'm hungry. " Jeongin said short.

"Order your food. " Taerin commented, eyes on her laptop. Jeongin shook his head and keep on whining like a baby. He keep on insisting Taerin to eat with him.

"Jeongin I have work to do. " Taerin replied. Jeongin frowned hearing his sister refused to go and eat with him. It has been a long time since they eat together after she's married. Jeongin then stood up and walk out of her room.

He open up Minho's door revealing Minho who is almost dozing off.
"Hey. " Jeongin said short, smiling at his brother in law who's looking extra sleepy. Minho raised his eyebrows, waiting for Jeongin to speak.

"Hyung. "

Minho squinted his eyes. It's Jeongin's first time calling him hyung and that honestly scares him. He don't even call Taerin noona. "I'm hungry. Can we go out? Eat? "

"But why...me? "

"Because Taerin refused to go out with me. "

"Alright then. " Minho stood up, rolling up is sleeves. "Stop drooling Jeongin I know I look hot. " Minho said, tidying up his work table.

"I didn't. " Jeongin said opening the door. They walked towards the elevator and it honestly feels awkward. They haven't spend time with each other yet since Minho was part of their family now.

"What do you think about Taerin? " Jeongin asked him as he fasten the seatbelt. Checking out the Audi r8.

"Huh? " As usual Minho is acting dumb as if Jeongin didn't know about the agreement they made 6 months ago. Little did he knew that Taerin spilled it already to her younger brother.

"I don't know what my sister and my father sees in you. You're just a petty gold digger. " Jeongin crosses his arms, looking out the window.

"Watch what you say young man. "

"Just because I'm young? I'm way smarter than my dumb sister who actually fell for someone like you. At first I have my respect for you but when Taerin said that you married her just because of some amount of money I ㅡ eventually I'm?
Speechless. " Jeongin chuckled a bit. Jeongin, himself he didn't even know that he would build up the courage to call out his brother in law in that way.

Minho sighs in annoyance as he park his car. "You don't have to blame it all on me. Your sister uses me too. To get her desire position as the CEO. We are in a win-win situation. " Minho stated, with a straight face but his head is burning due to the rude young boy's words that low-key stabbed him.

"But if you didn't admit that you guys were dating during the party this thing won't happen. " Jeongin look at him, who's getting really pissed at this point.

Minho then get out of his car and walk towards the restaurant. He feels that if he's going to stay in that car with Jeongin any longer he wouldn't hesitate to actually kick him.

"Hyung. Minho hyung." Jeongin yelled as he sit in front of Minho who's looking at the menu like actually nothing bothers him.

"Hyung I'm really sorry if what I've said just now was rude but, have some sympathy for my sister. She ㅡ "

"Iㅡ like Taerin. " Minho cut off his words. Looking right at Jeongin's shocked face. He blinked few times, feeling surreal of what his cold brother in law has said.

"That's what you wanted to hear all these while right? " he continued.

"Are you for real? " Jeongin sighs.

"I shouldn't waste someone like her, right Jeongin? " Minho plays with his food, staring blankly at his food. "From what I've heard you're such a player. I don't even know if what you're saying right now is real. It might change soon and what was the name ㅡ Nara? "

"Taerin told you that too? " Minho chuckled a little. "What a jealous
baby. "

"Jeongin it's alright I've learned from that incident. I was torn between those two but I realised that I've been lying to myself. " Minho rubs his nape feeling awkward.

"But hyung, please. She's my only sister. I don't want to see her hurting, again. She's never lucky with love. " Jeongin scratches his temple sort of feeling guilty exposing his sister.

Minho just flash a thin smile before proceeding to eat his food.

"Jeongin. You did not. " Taerin shut her laptop off roughly, eyeing the boy who is still in his school uniform laying on her couch. He's sleepy after eating so much with Minho just now.

"I did. "

"You don't have to guilt trip my husband that bad. " Taerin said as she walk and take a seat next to Jeongin.

"If I don't do this you won't be able to know what the hell is going on and what does he feel like being around you Taerin. " Jeongin rolled his eyes, low-key feeling unappreciated by her sister that he's doing the most to make her feel happy.

"Alright but what did he say? " Taerin stuttered but also eager to know.

"He likes you. "

Taerin's jaw dropped hearing the word likes. Well just 'like' ain't enough. She wants him. A whole Minho. His love, heart.

"Gosh. That might be a lie though. " Taerin squint her eyes.

"Test him sis. That's on that. " Jeongin said as he closes his eyes.

Test? Right.


oxer dance practice uwu they all looked so good.

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