10 - Gone Forever

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THANKS TO STEVE, RAEVANNA, AND THE SOLDIERS THEY HAD ENLISTED — NOW KNOWN AS THE HOWLING COMMANDOS — THE HYDRA BASES WERE TAKEN OUT, ONE BY ONE. With Steve's newfound confidence and leadership skills, it seemed like no HYDRA base was too tough for them to handle, and no enemy was too strong for them to defeat.

As for Raevanna and Steve, they not only grew closer as a team, but also as a couple. There was no denying the chemistry the two had both in and out of battle, and it was evident in everything they did together. They played off each other's strengths and weaknesses, fighting in perfect sync in every battle they were in. Raevanna and Steve were a perfect combination, and everyone could see it, clear as day.

Now, Raevanna, Steve, and the Howling Commandos stood on the top of a rocky, snow-covered mountain, staring at a set of railroad tracks below. Their plan was to capture Schmidt's top scientist/designer, Dr. Arnim Zola, and use what information he knew to figure out when and where Schmidt was going to strike next.

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked Steve as they prepared to zipline onto the train.

"Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve replied.

"This isn't payback, is it?"

Steve smirked at his friend. "Now why would I do that?"

Raevanna rolled her eyes playfully, using her elbow to nudge Steve in the ribs. "Play nice, boys. We still have a job to do."

"We were right," Gabe said to the team as he listened to the train radio through his tap wire. "Dr. Zola's on the train. HYDRA dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad."

James nodded, lowering his binoculars. "Let's get going, because they're moving like the devil."

The team quickly picked up their gear, then prepared themselves to zipline down to the fast-moving train that was heading their way.

"We only got about a 10-second window," Steve said to the team as he hooked his zip-line handle to the rope. "You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield."

"Mind the gap," James added.

Dum Dum smirked. "Better get moving, bugs!"

There was a heartbeat's pause before Dernier brought his hand down, shouting in French, "Now!" And at his command, Steve, Bucky and Gabe ziplined onto the train, with Raevanna flying down beside them.

They landed on the roof of the train. While Gabe quickly took up a position on the roof, Raevanna, Steve, and Bucky jumped into a cargo cart. Bucky closed the door behind them, then kept a small distance between himself and Raevanna and Steve as the couple looked around.

Suddenly, the door behind them slid shut, separating Bucky from Raevanna and Steve and trapping them in two different carts. Then, a HYDRA soldier stepped out from behind some crates and shot a ray of energy at them. Without hesitation Raevanna shoved Steve out of the way and shielded herself with her wings, taking the full force of the hit. Though it didn't hurt her, it did send her flying backwards, and she slammed into the wall of the cart. She cried out in pain when her back hit the wall, and she felt her ribs crack and her shoulder pop as she slid to the floor.

"Raevanna!" Steve cried when he saw her. Then, he rushed to the HYDRA soldier, grabbing his weapon and attacking him before he could attack Raevanna again. Once the soldier was down, Steve rushed over to Raevanna and knelt beside her.

"Hey," Steve said. "You okay?"

Raevanna hissed and groaned in pain as she put a hand on her ribs. "Y-yeah. Just a little winded."

Steve shook his head. "It's obviously more than that." He put his hand on her face. "Stay here. I'll come back for you."

Raevanna managed a smile and a soft scoff. "Like I could actually go anywhere."

Steve smiled back, then got up and rushed off to help Bucky. Together, they took out the HYDRA soldier that had been attacking him, and once the solder had been taken care of, Steve stood beside his friend.

"I had him on the ropes," Bucky said with a huff, echoing the same words Steve had often said to him. 

Steve let out a soft laugh. "I know you did."

That was when, out of nowhere, another trooper with a blaster appeared. Steve's eyes widened, and he quickly raised his shield to defend himself as he shouted, "Get down!"

The blast managed to knock him down, also knocking his shield out of his hands. As the trooper took aim for Bucky, the dark-haired man quickly grabbed the fallen shield and lifted it up to block the shot. However, Bucky wasn't familiar with the shield or how it worked, so when the energy blast hit him, the whole side of the train was blasted open, and Bucky was flung to the outside, where he held onto a thin railing.

Steve grabbed his shield, using it to hit the trooper before he rushed to help his friend.

"Bucky!" Steve shouted as he made his way along the side of the fast-moving train. "Hang on!" Steve reached out for Bucky, holding his hand out to his friend. "Grab my hand!"

Bucky reached out, his eyes meeting Steve's. But then, much to Steve's horror, the railing ripped off completely, and he cried out for his friend as Bucky plummeted down between the mountains and disappeared, lost forever.

Steve held onto the train, closing his eyes as tears blurred his vision. Then, he slowly climbed back inside, his heart broken and his eyes downcast. After a moment, he remembered Raevanna, so he took a deep breath and returned to the spot where he had left her.

While Steve had been fighting, Raevanna had managed to put her dislocated shoulder back into place and had semi-healed her cracked ribs. Feeling somewhat better, she looked up at Steve as he knelt by her side.

"Steve?" Raevanna asked. "What's going on? What happened?" She looked around and noticed that Bucky wasn't with Steve. "Where's Bucky?"

Steve didn't answer, his eyes closing as tears began to stream down his face. His silence told Raevanna all she needed to know, and she immediately wrapped her arms around him and held his head close to her. "Oh, Steve," she whispered softly.

"H-he's gone," Steve stammered out, burying his face in Raevanna's neck. "I t-tried to save him... I... I tried..." He trailed off as he was overcome with grief.

"Shh," Raevanna whispered, stroking his head. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." She pressed a kiss to his temple. "I'm sorry, Steve. I'm so, so sorry."

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A/N: this scene gets me every time. like we sobbin today y'all :'(

love y'all the most :) 

love y'all the most :) 

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