24 - Battle of New York, Pt. II

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RAEVANNA SWEPT HER SWORD IN A WIDE ARC, KNOCKING BACK FOUR CHITAURI SOLDIERS. Her limbs were growing heavy and her muscles were growing tired, and her face and arms were covered in ash and sweat. She was tiring and tiring fast, and she knew she couldn't keep it up forever.

Natasha, using the stolen energy rifle, was taken off her feet by a Chitauri soldier, but she retaliated by tiresomely cutting its throat. Then, she grabbed the energy rifle and spun around to attack, only to point it at Raevanna and Steve.

Natasha slumped back, tired. "Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

Steve sighed, looking up at the portal. "Our biggest guns couldn't touch it."

Natasha followed his gaze. "Well, maybe it's not about guns." She gestured to the flying chariots.

Steve glanced at her, realizing her plan. "You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride."

Natasha rolled her eyes, backing up so she could give herself a running headstart. "I got a ride. I could use a boost, though."

Steve stepped back, lifting his shield and angling it in front of him. "Are you sure about this?"

Natasha nodded. "Yeah. It's gonna be fun."

With that, Natasha ran towards Steve. Using her feet, she ran up the side of a car, then jumped up onto Steve's shield. Steve thrust the shield upwards with great strength, and Natasha spun into the air before she grabbed onto a flying chariot and sped off.

Raevanna watched her go with a smile, but it quickly faded when she realized the battle was far from over. So she returned to fighting, killing a dozen Chitauri soldiers as several humvees aim their mounted .50 caliber guns into the sky, firing and hitting Chitauri riders. Raevanna was forced onto her back by a soldier, who snarled at her and jabbed its weapon at her throat. But she parried it away, then kicked it hard in the chest, sending it flying before she jumped after it and stabbed it in the head.

"Captain, the bank on 42nd past Maddison," Clint suddenly said through comms. "They caught a lot of civilians there."

"I'm on it," Steve said.

As he rushed off, Raevanna started to follow. But he turned around and stopped her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Stay here," he said. "I can handle this myself."

Raevanna started to protest. "But Steve–"

He cut her off as he gave her a quick kiss. "Trust me." Then he ran off before she could reply.

Raevanna huffed, then turned and impaled a Chitauri soldier as it advanced from behind. Using her magic and her weapon, she fought off the dozens of Chitauri soldiers, until at last Steve rejoined her, his mask gone and a look of weariness on his face.

"What happened?" Raevanna asked him. "Did they make it out okay?"

Steve nodded. "Yeah. Everyone made it out."

Raevanna cocked her head. "Alright, so are you okay?"

Steve nodded again, sighing as he threw his shield at a few soldiers. "I will be."

The two began battling again. Soon after Thor joined them, and the three fought side by side. Steve and Thor both threw their respective weapons, while Raevanna slashed at the enemy with her sword. Then, Thor caught Mjölnir, but as Steve turned, an energy blast struck him down hard.

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