37 - Arrival in Elyon

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STEVE STUCK CLOSE TO RAEVANNA AS THEY TRAVELED THROUGH THE CURRENT. The thunder and lightning that raged around them was frightening, but when he saw that Raevanna was perfectly calm, he relaxed a little, knowing that if she was calm, it couldn't be as dangerous as it looked.

"So where will we be landing?" Steve shouted, hoping she could hear him over the storm.

"There's a cliff near the northern tip of the island," Raevanna told him. "It's called Talon's Peak, that's where my house is. The end of the current is there, so that's where we'll get out."

Steve nodded, following his girlfriend further into the tunnel. Then, after a moment, the dark clouds parted, and they reappeared over Elyon. And his breath was instantly taken away.

Raevanna's descriptions hardly did the island any justice. It was absolutely beautiful. White sandy beaches lined the perimeter of the island. The trees were bright green and lush, swaying back and forth in the comfortable breeze. The clouds in the sky were pure white and fluffy, drifting aimlessly across the massive expanse of sky blue. The golden sun was shining brightly, but not too bright to the point that it was unbearably hot. The air was crisp, fresh, and clean, free of any gases or pollution, and the oceans were a beautiful shade of teal blue, showing just how clean they were as well. A large double rainbow stretched over the length of the island, and even from high up Steve could see the sparkles glimmering around it.

"What's over there?" Steve asked, pointing to a huge mountain range covered in plant life that stood near the northern end of the island, with smoke rising from behind them.

Raevanna instantly shook her head. "That's the Wastelands. We don't go there, ever."

"Why not?" Steve asked.

"Because it's where the Orcs live," Raevanna told him. "And even though they're trapped there, they don't take kindly to outsiders. They'd kill you on sight if you ever even set foot on their land."

Steve swallowed thickly. "Got it."

They landed on the walkway that bordered Raevanna's house. As soon as they landed, Raevanna moved behind Steve, waving her hand and making his wings disappear in a flurry of golden sparkles. Then, she stepped in front of him and took his hand.

"Ready?" she asked.

Steve nodded. "Ready."

Raevanna inhaled softly, smiling at him. Then, they stepped into the house.

Maeve was there, her back turned away from the couple. Raevanna cleared her throat to catch her aunt's attention, but when the woman turned around, her smile faded into a scowl when she saw Steve there.

"Raevanna, move!" Maeve shouted, launching a spell at Steve before he or Raevanna could respond. Quickly realizing that her aunt had no idea that this was Steve, Raevanna's hand shot out, and she blocked the spell before pushing Steve behind her protectively.

"Maeve, stop!" Raevanna told the older faery. "This is Steve, the man I was telling you about!"

Maeve's hostile glare faded at her words, and the defensive posture she had dropped. Then, Maeve glanced at Steve before looking at Raevanna. "This is him?" the older faery asked.

Raevanna nodded. "Yeah, this is him."

Maeve stared at Steve, her piercing yellow-green eyes never leaving his. Then, she raised an eyebrow at him. "So," Maeve said to Steve. "You are the one courting my niece."

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