81 - Years Gone By

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Raevanna looked up at Steve in shock, her brow creasing at his words. She had no idea where the idea had come from, and it was a little confusing, considering that neither of them had heard from Diana in five years.

Five years had passed since Thanos' Snap and his death. The world had only barely begun to recover. Governments were still in pieces, and those who weren't were barely clinging on by a thread. The streets, rivers, roads, and highways were packed with abandoned vehicles, rusted and covered in grasses and mold. Hardly any animals were ever seen, and those who were weren't as afraid of humans as they had once been. Times had changed, the earth had changed. And it hadn't been for the better.

The one thing that Raevanna was glad hadn't changed was her relationship with Steve. Times had been rough on them both, especially after Raevanna returned to Elyon, only to find that Alaneo and Cirrus had been taken by Thanos as well. She had been devastated by the loss, knowing very well that she would probably never see them again, and had spent the months following in a state of deep depression, barely eating, drinking, or sleeping. But it was Steve who had brought her out of it, reminding her that she hadn't lost everything, and that there were still things in life worth living for.

So now, as they laid in bed together, their clothes strewn around the room and their legs tangled together, Raevanna searched her boyfriend's expression for any signs of humor. But she found none.

"Diana?" Raevanna repeated. "Why?"

"She probably could use a familiar face," Steve said. "She seems to trust you more than anyone else, too."

"Steve, none of us have heard from Diana since we got back from the Garden," Raevanna said. "She basically dropped off the face of the earth. Hell, I don't even know where she is. For all we know, she could be bunkered down somewhere in Ireland."

"I still think you should find her," Steve said. "She seemed so... broken, by what had happened. And she left the compound that way. I think seeing you might lift her spirits, even for a little while."

"But what if she doesn't want to see me?" Raevanna pointed out. "What if she hasn't contacted us because she doesn't want to see anyone? Cause the last thing I need is for a demigod to be mad at me."

"You'll never know until you find out," Steve said, then grinned and added, "And besides, even if you did manage to piss her off, I think you could take her."

Raevanna huffed, rolling her eyes. "I'm not going to fight her if she gets mad at me, Steve."

"Why not?"

Raevanna laughed dryly. "Uh, cause it's a death wish? She's a demigod, Steve. Meaning that her dad is the king of the Greek gods. I'm not gonna even attempt to fight her, it would only end in..." She trailed off when she saw that Steve was trying hard not to laugh. "Oh my god, you're joking, aren't you?"

Steve nodded, a wide smile on his face. "Yeah."

"Oh my god, Steve!" Raevanna said, slapping his shoulder as he burst out laughing. "What the hell, you know that's not funny!"

"I thought it was," Steve said.

Raevanna rolled her eyes, shoving him back. "You're a dork."

Steve's grin went even wider. "Yes, but I'm your dork."

Raevanna rolled her eyes again, smiling and shaking her head before leaning forward and pressing her lips to Steve's in a slow kiss, their eyes closing as their lips connected. Then, she opened her eyes, the smile never leaving her face as she said quietly, "I'll see if I can find her."

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