48 - Battle of Sokovia, Pt. II

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STEVE WATCHED IN SHOCK AND HAPPINESS AS NONE OTHER THAN A HELICARRIER ROSE OUT OF THE CLOUDS, HOVERING BY THE FLOATING CITY. Blake's eyes went wide before she pumped her fist, and Natasha grinned at the sight. Only Raevanna didn't react; instead she frowned in confusion.

"What is it?" Raevanna asked. "What's Fury doing?"

"We don't have to make a choice anymore," Blake explained to her. "Fury brought a Helicarrier."

"Nice, right?" Fury said to the team. "I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."

Steve huffed. "Fury, you son of a bitch."

"Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Raevanna smiled, and Blake did as well, as flying lifeboats detached from the side of the Helicarrier and flew over to the city. Then, Pietro sped up to them, watching the Helicarrier in awe.

"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked.

"This is what SHIELD's supposed to be," Steve told him with a slight nod.

Pietro smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "This is not so bad."

Steve turned to the others as the lifeboats docked on the side of the city. "Let's load 'em up."

With Rhodey covering for them in his War Machine suit, Steve, Raevanna, Natasha, and Clint helped get the people onto the lifeboats. They got as many people on board as they could, but as they did, Raevanna sensed the absence of one of the team members.

"Hey, where's Blake?" Raevanna asked, turning to Steve.

Steve looked around, also worried. "I don't know. She was just here."

Raevanna bit her lip, thinking for a moment. Then she nodded once. "I'll go find her."

Without waiting for a reply, she ran off, ignoring Steve's calls for her to come back. Keeping her hands out in front of her to keep herself from knocking into anything, Raevanna traveled through the city, calling Blake's name in the hopes of getting a response.

"Blake?" Raevanna called, stopping in the middle of an empty alleyway. "Blake, where are you?"

When she got no reply, she huffed, not sure where her friend had run off to. But then, out of nowhere, a blast of energy struck her in the stomach, sending her flying. Raevanna landed hard on her back, gasping when she felt something in her chest crack, and before she could respond a cold metal hand pinned her down to the ground by her throat.

"Coming here alone and defenseless while unable to see," Ultron sneered. "I thought you were smarter than that, Raevanna."

Raevanna let out a choked gasp, clawing at his hand as she tried to pry his fingers away from her neck. But Ultron had an iron grip on her and would not let go, and soon she began to choke from lack of air, spots forming in front of her vision and her mind going fuzzy. Her struggles became weaker and weaker, and even though she knew she had to fight back, she couldn't, and her hands dropped to her sides.

"Goodbye, Raevanna," Ultron hissed.

Just as Raevanna began to black out, a golden blur slammed into Ultron, sending him flying and subsequently causing him to release her. Raevanna instantly regained full consciousness, taking in great tearing lungfuls of air as she sat up and rubbed her neck. Then, she looked up to face her rescuer, who had grabbed Ultron by the arm and flung him clear across the city.

"Blake?" Raevanna asked.

"No," came the reply. "I am not Blake."

Raevanna's eyes went wide in pure disbelief. The voice didn't belong to her friend.

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