65 - These Little Moments

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RAEVANNA LET OUT A LOUD SHOUT OF FRUSTRATION, HURLING A LARGE LOG INTO THE OCEAN. Anger, confusion, and hurt was churning inside her as she stood on the shores of Levacon, still trying to process what she had learned. She couldn't believe that everyone had lied about what happened to the night fae, and that they had altered history to make it seem like all of the night fae were the evil ones. She couldn't understand why the faeries would do such a thing. They were supposed to be an accepting people, people who embraced their past despite its flaws. But they weren't. They hadn't.

"It was a lie!" Raevanna cried, spinning around to face her sister. "Everything they ever told me, everything they said about the night fae, was a lie! We were never evil, and they knew that! But they kept it hidden! They changed our history just to omit a truth they didn't want to admit!"

Erissa nodded. "Now you understand. You understand what really happened to the night fae, and why we were nearly wiped out. And now you understand why our parents gave everything to save us."

Raevanna huffed, pacing in frustration. "I can't believe this. They lied to me. I mean, I'm their Champion."

Erissa's pale blue eyes widened at her words, shock flooding over her features. "You're the Champion?"

Raevanna nodded. "Yeah. I was chosen when I was thirteen. And I've tried to be the best that I can be."

Erissa was silent for a moment before she looked away, smoothing back her dark purple hair as her eyes went wide. "Damn. The Champion."

Raevanna walked over to her sister, sitting beside her. "But still. They lied to me. Me, Erissa. I'm supposed to know everything about the island, good and bad."

Erissa sighed. "It doesn't matter. It's a part of history that they tried to omit. They didn't want anyone to know it. Not even you."

Raevanna stopped and faced her sister. "If I've learned anything from being with humans," she said, "it's that history can't be erased. Especially the bad part of history. But what you can do is make sure no one forgets it, so that future generations can learn from the mistakes you made. And that applies to everyone. Everyone."

Erissa nodded in approval. "Very wise. You've learned a lot over the years."

Raevanna smiled. "Yeah. Being with humans really shows you a lot."

They both fell silent for a moment. Then, Raevanna looked at Erissa. "I know that we're night fae, and that a lot of the others are wary of them," she said. "But our people deserve to know that I'm not the only one. I think everyone needs to meet you."

Erissa looked appalled. "What?! Meet me?! Are you completely mental?!"

"Erissa, come on," Raevanna said. "You've made yourself known to me. And I can't just... keep you a secret forever."

Erissa nodded, sighing and leaning her face into her hands. "I know. It's just... I haven't interacted with any faeries since... well, never. If they find out that there's more than one night fae in Elyon, with their misconceptions about us... it'll be a disaster."

Raevanna put her hand on Erissa's arm. "I know it's scary. I was terrified when I told everyone what I was. But they still trust me, and they trust my word. If I say that it's safe to trust you, then they'll believe me."

Erissa nodded. "Alright. I guess I'll have to take your word for it."

They fell silent for a moment, watching the sea as it lapped at the shoreline. Then, Erissa huffed and grinned at Raevanna. "So. The Champion, huh."

Raevanna nodded. "Yeah. It's not an easy responsibility, but at the end of the day, it's my job, and I can't imagine doing anything else."

Erissa nodded slowly. "And what did this Steve have to say about it?"

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