74 - Alien Attack

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STEVE GLANCED BACK AT RAEVANNA BEFORE NODDING AT NATASHA AND SAM. "Put the jet in cloaking mode and land us over there," he said. "I'll engage them first, then you follow up."

"What if they're just regular people?" Diana asked.

"Trust me, Princess," Sam told her. "By the way they're moving, they're definitely not."

Raevanna bit her lip, nervousness filling her body as Sam and Natasha landed the jet on the roof of a building, then opened the ramp for the five of them to walk out. Raevanna had a feeling that this new enemy was something not just from another place, but another planet. Raevanna had never fought aliens before, and the fact that she might be facing some now both scared and worried her.

But she had to focus. Now was not the time to panic. So she turned to Steve, watching him as he silently pointed to her and then at a rooftop across from them. Knowing what he wanted her to do, Raevanna nodded before rolling her shoulders, causing her wings to appear. Then, she ran to the edge of the roof and leapt off the edge, gliding silently through the air before landing on the roof of the building Steve had pointed to.

Folding her wings against her back, Raevanna crept over to the edge of the roof and looked over the edge. Her heart immediately flew to her throat when she saw the situation, for inside the train station below them was Vision, being supported by Wanda as she tried to get him to stand. There was a huge stab wound in Vision's chest, and even though he was in obvious pain, Wanda was still trying to help him up.

"Please," Vision was saying, practically pleading with Wanda.

The Sokovian woman shook her head, still trying to help him stand. "Get up."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, two sinister-looking creatures crashed through the roof behind Vision and Wanda, then advanced on them as they brandished their weapons. Raevanna gasped quietly, seeing that they were - just as she'd feared - aliens. It was clear that their goal was to kill Vision, and they had most likely caused the wound in his chest during the attempt.

As Wanda moved protectively in front of Vision, red energy building around her hands, Steve appeared in the shadows on the far side of the platform behind them, staring at the aliens. Then, an express train passed behind Wanda, and one of the aliens - the female - cocked her head as if aware of his presence. Clearly confused, Wanda also turned and looked over her left shoulder, and as the last train car passed, Steve's silhouette was revealed to them.

Almost instantly the alien woman threw her weapon at him, but Steve deftly caught it before he stepped from the shadows, a furious look on his face. Then, while all parties were distracted, Sam swooped in and kicked the alien woman across the platform and through the closed cafe's security gate and furniture. Once she was down, he spun around and fired on the other alien. As soon as he had done so, Steve threw the alien woman's weapon to Natasha, who engaged the alien man by smoothly ducking under his swing and stabbing him in the gut before executing a flying kick to knock him backwards.

As the alien man jumped to his feet and charged at Natasha, Raevanna knew it was her cue. She sped down from the roof and torpedoed into the alien man, sending him flying as she landed in front of Natasha and conjured up a sword into her hand. Then, the alien woman jumped to her feet, rushing back to the fight and summoning her weapon back to her hand. But, as she lunged to attack Natasha and Raevanna, Diana leapt out from her hiding place, landing between the alien and the two women as their blades clashed.

Raevanna watched, impressed and shocked, as Diana smoothly dodged each of the alien woman's attacks. Even though Raevanna knew that Diana had to have been fighting for a long time, this just proved it. Raevanna had never seen anyone fight so effortlessly, yet with an incredible precision and control that could only come from years of experience. It was a sight to see, and Raevanna made a mental note to ask Diana to teach her a few things when this was all over.

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