13 - A Legend Lost

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ON SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1945, THE WAR ENDED. The day became known as VA-Day across the Allied nations - a day of victory and celebration.

Raevanna stayed in London, helping clean up what was left of the SSR's base of operations, even though every moment there reminded her of what she had lost. Steve's death had hit her harder than any other death she had experienced since her parents', and it was obvious. Even after the SSR was rebuilt, she shuffled around the halls like an old ghost, her heart feeling hollow and empty inside.

She had to admit, she was grateful for what she had gained. Howard and Peggy had become like family to her. She had found a second home in the last place she thought she would. She had seen and learned so much, and had gained a much better insight into what humans were like and how they thought. Overall, she had grown as a person and she would always be thankful for that.

But now, as she stepped into the SSR's former base, she felt sad all over again. Peggy and Colonel Phillips were already inside, and they gave her sympathetic looks as she entered.

"Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?" Peggy asked as Raevanna gathered her belongings.

Raevanna forced a smile, shaking her head. "I have to go home, Peggy. My people need me."

Peggy sighed. "Alright. But at least let me give you something before you go."

Peggy handed Raevanna a large file, and Raevanna looked at her with a frown. However, Peggy just gestured for her to open it, so she did, and her heart skipped a beat when she realized what it was. Slowly, she pulled out the photo and held it in her hands, a soft sigh leaving her lips. It was a photo of Steve - before his super soldier transformation.

Without saying a word, Raevanna waved one hand over the picture, and it magically compacted and shrank as a metal casing folded over it. In mere seconds she had turned the picture into a silver locket, which she put around her neck as soon as it was created.

"Thank you," Raevanna said, looking up at Peggy.

Peggy nodded and smiled, squeezing her hand gently before walking off. Raevanna sighed, picking up the box of her things and making it disappear, and then she glanced around the room. There were so many things here, so many memories. She was going to miss this place, and the people.

With a heavy heart, Raevanna walked outside and made her wings appear. Then, she stretched her wings out and took off into the sky, opening up the Clessibis Current and flying inside. And with that, she vanished, leaving the human land and returning to her own people.

Even after Raevanna had gone, the world still remembered her name. The story of the heroine called Knightwing became known across the globe, and all her heroic deeds were retold many times. However, as time went on, and the years went by, her name and her actions began to fade away, turning into only myths and legend. Then, eventually, her name faded away completely, disappearing like the wind.

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