46 - The Vision

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AS SOON AS RAEVANNA, STEVE, AND THE TWINS SHOWED UP AT THE LAB, THEY KNEW TONY WASN'T DOING WHAT HE HAD SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO. Raevanna had to admit, she was worried about Natasha (who Steve had said had been taken by Ultron), but Raevanna had to focus on Tony for the moment. There was no telling what he was up to with the Cradle, and that had to be her top priority.

They found Tony and Bruce working in the lab, desperately trying to do something to the AI body that was contained within the Cradle.

"I'm gonna say this once," Steve snapped. 

Tony looked at him. "How about 'nonce'?"

"Shut it down, Tony!" Raevanna shouted. 

"Nope, not gonna happen," Tony said, shaking his head. 

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve said. 

"And you do?" Bruce asked, then pointed to Wanda and added, "She's not in your head?" 

Wanda took a step forward. "I know you're angry," she began. 

Bruce scoffed dryly, rolling his eyes. "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." 

Steve looked at Bruce. "Banner, after everything that's happened-"

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony retorted.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda told the billionare.

"This isn't a game-" 

"The creature...!"

Suddenly Pietro sped around the lab, destroying the lab equipment before stopping and giving the Avengers a nonchalant shrug. 

"No, no," Pietro said. "Go on. You were saying?"

Then, out of nowhere, a single gunshot rang out from below him. Pietro looked down, fear flooding his features when he heard the glass floor cracking underneath his feet. Then, the floor shattered, and he fell through, revealing it to be Clint who had fired the gun. 

"Pietro!" Wanda cried.

Clint pinned Pietro down with his foot and then smirked down at him. "What? You didn't see that coming?" 

Tony turned to the machines. "I'm rerouting the upload." 

Frantically, Steve threw his shield at Tony, and the weapon ricocheted around the room before flying off to the side. Tony quickly armored up his hand and fired a blast at Steve in retaliation, sending him flying. Sensing the action, Raevanna charged at Tony and leapt into to the air, but then he armored up his chest and fired from that, blasting her away from him. Then, Bruce quickly slid behind Wanda as she tried to help, wrapping his arm around her neck in a headlock.

"Go ahead, piss me off," Bruce hissed. 

Upon seeing his girlfriend down, Steve gave his own flying leap towards Tony, desperate to stop him as he raised his fist for a flying punch. However, Tony fired from his chest again, blasting Steve away from him, and Steve sailed through the air before crashing through a glass panel and landing hard on his back. Raevanna turned to him when she heard the crash, but then Wanda's frustrated sounds as she struggled to get free caught her attention. So, Raevanna leapt to her feet, using her magic to remove Bruce's arms from around Wanda. Then, with an enraged huff, Wanda used the opportunity to blast Bruce in the chest with red energy, pushing him away from her, and Raevanna followed by raising her hands, violet energy pinning Bruce's arms to his sides before she threw him to the side, sending him crashing into some lab equipment. As Bruce rolled onto his side, Raevanna stomped up to him with Wanda right beside her. 

"Stop this, Bruce!" Raevanna snapped. "I know you believe what you're doing is right, but think about it! Ultron made this thing. If you bring it back, it could turn on you, it could turn on us! And then where would we be?" When Bruce's angry face softened, Raevanna lowered her tone, saying in a calmer voice, "Deep down, you know I'm right, Bruce. This has to stop." 

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