75 - Welcome to Wakanda

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Raevanna could see it in her eyes and posture - the Amazon was clearly feeling some kind of negative emotion. Though whether it was regret, uncertainty, fear, or hesitation, Raevanna wasn't certain. But she could tell that Diana desperately wanted to talk about it, yet at the same time knew she shouldn't. So, Raevanna decided to be the one person Diana could talk to.

"So you really dated him?" Raevanna asked, referring to T'Challa.

Diana seemed to snap out of a trance as she looked at Raevanna, seeming to already know what she was referring to. "Yes, I did," Diana said. "It was only for awhile, though."

"Did you love him?" Raevanna asked.

Diana was quiet for a moment, then nodded at her. "I did love him, yes."

"Then why did you break things up?" Raevanna questioned her. When Diana frowned, she explained, "It was you that ended it, right?"

Diana nodded. "Yes, it was me." She sighed, looking down before closing her eyes. "But... I brought an enemy from my past to Wakanda when I arrived. It led to a battle that nearly destroyed the country. And I was reminded that no matter where I go, enemies will follow, and put those I love in danger. That is why I ended it. That is why I left."

Raevanna was silent for a moment, going over Diana's words in her head. She had felt almost the exact same way before, after Gurak had nearly killed her, and Raevanna had learned that coming from a magical or mythical place often meant enemies of the same kind. But she had also learned how painful it actually was to be away from the man she loved, and had seen the error in her thinking.

Not wanting Diana to do the same, Raevanna got up and walked over to her before sitting down next to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. "I get it," Raevanna said. "When you love someone, you don't want them to get hurt, especially if it's your fault. And that's how I felt about Steve for awhile. But..." She looked over at Steve, who was talking to Natasha. "I realized that being away from him hurt more than it did whenever someone I fought tried to kill him. And then, I realized that if I wanted to keep him safe from the enemies I'd made, I had to be with him to make sure he stayed that way." Raevanna smiled, then looked back at Diana. "And because I love him, I keep myself strong enough to do that. So I stay."

"But what about your family?" Diana asked. "Did they accept him as you have?"

"Not at first," Raevanna admitted. "I mean I'm a faery and Steve isn't, so naturally there was going to be protest and resistance. The most my family was afraid of was him betraying me. But he didn't. And when it came down to it, he wound up rescuing my best friend when Elyon was invaded. And that proved to me and everyone else that he wasn't going anywhere." Raevanna tilted her head, grinning again. "Look, I've met the king before, and I found out that he's more than capable of taking care of himself. So you should stop worrying and give him a chance. He might just surprise you."

With her words lingering in the air, Raevanna got up and walked over to the other side of the jet. She knew exactly how Diana felt, but considering that Diana had much more conflict over the decision, Raevanna figured that she wasn't going to fix things for now. But she would in time, Raevanna was certain.

As Steve walked up to the pilot's seat where Sam was flying them to Wakanda and told him where they would be heading, Raevanna leaned against the wall next to Natasha, crossing her arms and leaning her head back.

"Gaomas bisa giez run vestragon sȳz hen... nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon, hen naejot ao?" Raevanna said to Natasha after a moment.

During their time on the run, Natasha had asked Raevanna to teach her how to speak and understand Valyrian. Raevanna had found the request odd at first, but nonetheless, she agreed, and spent several months following her return from Elyon teaching her friend her native tongue. Very much like Steve had said when he taught himself Valyrian, Natasha struggled for awhile, since it wasn't a very easy language to learn. But she hadn't given up, and now spoke it fluently - almost as well as Raevanna did.

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