69 - Newfound Power

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RAEVANNA AND ERISSA LANDED ON THE SHORES OF ELYON ACROSS THE LAKE FROM THE LOST TEMPLE, A HUGE SMILE ON THEIR FACES AND THE FEELING OF WEIGHTLESSNESS SURROUNDING THEM. After her success with Blind Faith, Raevanna had been able to master Overpower as well, meaning she had successfully completed the night fae training. Raevanna honestly felt both relieved and proud, knowing that she had, in fact, been able to master all five branches, and she could tell that Erissa felt the same way.

"I'm so proud of you," Erissa said as they walked into the forest. "You've mastered all the branches, just like I thought you would."

"Well, thank you for believing in me," Raevanna said gratefully. "And thank you for taking the time to train me. It must've been a rough five weeks, dealing with me."

Erissa waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, please. It was nothing. And besides, I enjoyed training you. It was fun."

Raevanna scoffed. "Really. I was a whiny bitch for the tail end of it, how was that fun?"

Erissa smiled, laughing softly. "Okay I admit, that part wasn't fun."

Raevanna smiled as well, also laughing as she replied, "Yeah, bitch, that's what I thought."

They both laughed even louder, amused by Raevanna's response. But then, out of nowhere, the hairs on the back of Raevanna's neck stood straight up, and she stopped, looking around in concern. Erissa stopped as well, also looking around; she apparently sensed it, too.

"Something's up," Raevanna said, her hands balling into fists.

"Yeah," Erissa agreed, then walked forward before adding, "Stay here. I'll go check it out."

"Be careful," Raevanna warned as her sister walked off.

Erissa smiled, waving and calling over her shoulder, "I always am!"

Raevanna chuckled, shaking her head as Erissa disappeared into the trees. Her defenses were still up, but they were slightly lowered, knowing that her sister was scoping things out. But then, a feeling of dread bubbled up inside her, and her smile faded as worry began to eat away at her.

"She'll be fine," Raevanna told herself, trying to stay calm. "She's stronger than me, she'll be fine."

But as soon as those words left her mouth, her senses went on red alert, and she dove out of the way just as a dark blur whizzed through the air, slammed into a tree, and fell to the ground. Raevanna spun around, and her dread turned to horror when she saw that the dark blur was her sister.

"Erissa!" Raevanna cried, running up to her sister and kneeling beside her. "Erissa, wake up." Shaking Erissa's shoulder, Raevanna said frantically, "Erissa, c'mon, wake up. C'mon, Erissa, wake up. Wake up."

Erissa simply slumped over, falling out of Raevanna's hands and laying on the ground. Terrified, Raevanna stared at her near-unconscious sister, trying to figure out how to revive her, only to hear heavy footsteps slowly approaching from behind her.

"I thought the night fae were all dead," came a deep, gravelly voice. "But it looks like I've found two more to play with."

Raevanna slowly got to her feet, turning around to see the source of the voice. It was an orc - a big, hideous, battle-scarred orc, his round, beady black eyes narrowed as he smirked at the two faeries. Raevanna knew exactly who he was - he was Gurak's son, Gujek. And she assumed that he was here because of the death of his father.

"You..." Gujek said upon recognizing Raevanna. "You killed my father."

"I didn't kill your father," Raevanna said, her voice calm despite her growing fear. "My friends did. And they did so to protect me."

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