34 - Taking Down HYDRA

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AN HOUR LATER, RAEVANNA, STEVE, SAM, BLAKE, AND AGENT HILL WERE TREKKING THROUGH THE FOREST, WITH THE TRISKELION IN THE DISTANCE. Raevanna had her new suit on and her mask on her face, with her wings out and folded against her back. She was nervous and anxious for this fight, since she truly had no idea what she'd be up against. She knew it was HYDRA, yes, but she had no clue exactly how many of HYDRA had infiltrated the base. She also didn't know how Blake would handle being around HYDRA since they obviously knew how to take her down, or if Bucky would show up again to finish what he'd started.

There were so many uncertainties surrounding this mission, and it scared her.

"Hey," Blake said, bringing Raevanna out of her thoughts. "You gonna be okay?"

Raevanna smiled at her friend. "I could ask you the same thing."

Blake shrugged. "I'll be fine, you know that."

"But what if you're not?" Raevanna asked. When Blake frowned, Raevanna explained, "What if this time, you don't heal? Or they use Bloodstone on you again? I could never live with myself if you were to die for real."

Blake stopped, turning around and putting her hands on Raevanna's cheeks. "Raevanna, relax. I'll be fine, I promise. I always am."

Raevanna frowned. "Are you sure?"

Blake huffed. "No, not in the slightest." She then smiled at the young faery. "But I trust you. And I know you'll be there if I need you."

Raevanna couldn't help but smile back. "Alright. Now let's go get these bastards."

The five of them ran out of the woods and across the landing platform before boarding the control room. Blake hacked one of the tech's headsets to cause a distraction, and as the Tech went and opened the door, Raevanna, Steve, Blake, Sam and Agent Hill greeted him on the other side of the door. Blake, Sam, and Agent Hill pointed their guns at the tech, while Raevanna glared at him through her mask.

"Excuse us," Steve said.

The tech held up his hands, stepping aside to let them enter. Then, Steve walked over to the control panel and pressed a button, speaking into the SHIELD microphone so everyone in the building could hear him.

"Attention, all SHIELD agents," Steve said. "This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

There was silence for a moment as Steve finished his speech. Then, Sam smirked at him, letting out a soft, short laugh.

"Did you write that down first," Sam said, "or was it off the top of your head?"

"It's always off the top of his head," Raevanna said, also smirking. "He's got a thing for speeches, it's kind of ridiculous."

Steve just shook his head at her, smiling and laughing to himself.

"You guys go," Blake told Raevanna, Steve, and Sam. "We can hold it down from here."

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