76 - Blood to Spare

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HALF AN HOUR LATER, RAEVANNA WAS FLYING OVER WAKANDA ALONG WITH RHODEY AND SAM, KEEPING PACE WITH ONE OF THE WAKANDAN CARRIERS FILLED WITH WAKANDAN SOLDIERS, NATASHA, STEVE AND BUCKY ON BOARD. Bruce ran beside them in the Hulkbuster armor that Rhodey had brought along with him, looking utterly delighted as he leap-jogged alongside them. 

As Raevanna flew alongside the carriers, she couldn't deny that she was terrified. She had never faced anything like this before, and it was way more than she signed up for. This wasn't just a battle; this was war, which was something she had little to no experience in. She had no idea what was going to happen or if she was going to even survive, and the uncertainty of the outcome only made her fear worse. 

"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked Bruce, snapping Raevanna out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it," Bruce said. "Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually-" Suddenly he stumbled on a rock and fell to the ground, and a carrier went by him, from which Okoye gave him a dubious look, but Bruce quickly stood up, regathering himself as he said, "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Rhodey said over comms, catching their attention.

Raevanna looked up at the trees, seeing that the heat signatures were Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian. Her throat tightened in fear; she knew they would be back.

The carriers swerved into U-turns, causing the crafts to tilt and allow the practiced soldiers to slide over one side into a run, never coming to a complete halt. A Dora Milaje shouted a command nearby as the last Wakandans joined ranks, and the others quickly leapt out of the carrier to join them. Raevanna touched down gracefully before watching Diana and T'Challa approach a group of warriors and begin speaking to what looked like their leaders.

"Hey," Blake said, nudging Raevanna's ribs with her elbow as she approached the young faery. "What's with the sudden fascination with the Amazon? You trying to replace me or something?" 

Raevanna turned to Blake, appalled by her words. "What? No, of course not." Sighing softly, her shoulders sagged before she added, "It's just... You remember when I broke up with Steve?" 

"And you were moping around like a depressed walrus for the year afterwards?" Blake asked, then nodded and crossed her arms before she went on, "Yeah, I remember." 

"Well, Diana's going through the same thing, but with T'Challa," Raevanna said. 

Blake's eyes went wide. "Wait, you mean her and Catman used to date?" 

Raevanna nodded. "Yeah." Her gaze wandered over to Diana. "And I just don't want her to make the same mistake I did."

Blake turned to look at Diana and T'Challa. "You'd think that a demigod would know how to make a better judgment call." 

"That's true," Raevanna said softly. "But even a demigod can be all too human." 

Blake glanced at Raevanna in surprise, but didn't reply. 

Turning to face the barrier, Raevanna saw that Diana, T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha were walking to the edge, where Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian were standing. As they moved, Raevanna stepped forward before taking a spot beside Diana, then proceeded forward until they stopped a few feet away. Proxima drew her sword across the barrier consideringly, testing its strength.

Natasha eyed the two aliens. "Where's your other friend?" she asked coolly.

Proxima glared at the blonde assassin, anger flaring in her eyes at the woman's words. "You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone."

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