35 - How Deep Is Your Love?

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RAEVANNA STROLLED THROUGH A LARGE GRAVEYARD, TRYING TO BE AS INCONSPICUOUS AS POSSIBLE. Now wearing a red, white and orange tie-dye hoodie and ripped white shorts, and her hair tucked under the thick cotton hood of her hoodie, she searched the grounds for familiar faces, grinning when she saw Steve, Sam, Natasha, Blake, and Fury standing by a specific grave.

Two weeks had passed, and things in Washington were beginning to settle down. Raevanna had promptly returned to her apartment after the fight, using her herbs to heal her broken wing. Then, she had visited Blake, who confirmed her suspicions: it was Bucky who had saved Raevanna and Steve when they crashed into the river; however, the man had vanished after that, and no one had any idea where he went. Discouraged, Raevanna - along with Sam and Blake - regularly visited Steve in the hospital while he recovered, where Sam introduced Steve to Marvin Gaye and Raevanna taught him some Valyrian. It was a peaceful time, however brief it was, and Raevanna appreciated it - especially after what had occured.

Now, Raevanna was here in this graveyard to meet with Fury and her friends one final time while everyone sorted their affairs. So, as she walked over to the five, she smiled even wider when Blake and Natasha gave her warm hugs.

"Feeling better?" Natasha asked Raevanna.

Raevanna nodded, the grin still on her face. "Yeah. A couple herbs from Elyon and I'm good as new."

"Glad to hear it," Natasha said, also grinning.

Blake cocked her head, frowning slightly at Raevanna as she regarded the young faery's hood. "Why the hell do you have your hood on, it's like 85 degrees out."

Raevanna looked down bashfully. "Well, um..." She trailed off, unable to answer.

Blake's eyes went wide. "Bitch, do not tell me you dyed your hair."

Raevanna shook her head. "No, I didn't. I just-" She stopped when Blake grabbed her hood and slowly took it off, gasping when she saw what Raevanna was hiding.

"You cut it!" Blake exclaimed, smiling as she stared at Raevanna's hair, which now went just past her jawline.

"I might dye it later, who knows," Raevanna said with a shrug. "For now I just needed it out of my way."

"Well, it looks great," Natasha complimented. "Suits you a little more, too."

"I'll say." Blake grinned. "Please keep it this short, you're seriously making me question my sexuality."

Raevanna tilted her head in mild confusion. "But Blake, you're bisexual."

Blake shrugged. "Oh, I know. But I swear, this-" She gestured to Raevanna's whole look. "-is making me consider going full lesbian, one hundred percent."

Raevanna laughed. "You're crazy, you know that?"

Blake grinned. "So I've been told."

Raevanna grinned back, rolling her eyes. Then, she walked over to Fury, who was talking to Steve and Sam as he sported a black beanie and dark sunglasses.

"We've been data-mining HYDRA's files," Fury was saying. "Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship." He glanced at Steve, Raevanna, and Sam. "I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come."

Steve shook his head. "There's something I gotta do first."

Raevanna glanced at him. She knew he was going after Bucky; he had to, after seeing that his phrase "I'll be with you till the end of the line" had triggered something in his friend. He wasn't going to stop until he found him, and Raevanna knew that. She had originally wanted to tell him that she had seen Blake with Bucky before he left, thinking that it might be some sort of clue, but after some thought she figured it wasn't really relevant, so she decided to keep it to herself.

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