40 - Monsters & Men

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RAEVANNA KNELT IN FRONT OF THE GIRL, HER HEART BREAKING WHEN THE YOUNG GIRL SHRUNK BACKWARDS, WHIMPERING AND SHAKING HER HEAD. She was terrified, and it was obvious. So Raevanna knew she had to find a way to make the girl trust her.

Thinking for a moment, Raevanna remembered that Dragonborn primarily spoke Vulcan, their native language. Thankful that her aunt had made her learn the language when she was young, Raevanna took a deep breath before speaking to the girl.

"Ri tor nam-tor pahth-tor, nash-veh skil-tor't dash-tor du," Raevanna said softly. "T'nash-veh ahm nam-tor Raevanna, ra's ish-veh?"

The girl's eyes went wide in surprise. "Du stariben t'nash-veh lahv?"

Raevanna nodded. "Ha, nash-veh tor.  Nash-veh wuh faery, nash-veh vesh' saven-tor tor stariben ish-veh lu nash-veh vesh' nu'ri." The girl frowned in confusion, so Raevanna flexed her shoulders and unfurled her wings, making the young girl's eyes widen. Raevanna smiled and nodded, then asked gently, "Tor du stariben eingelsu?" The girl looked down, clearly distrusting, so Raevanna went on, "Tor du ma wuh ahm?"

The girl averted her eyes, but then looked up and said softly, "My name is Jolarys Faldrik."

Raevanna smiled; she knew the girl spoke English. "It's nice to meet you, Jolarys. Now do you want to get out of here?"

Jolarys nodded eagerly, her eyes lighting up at the mention of freedom. So, keeping the smile on her face, Raevanna took the girl's arm and helped her stand, then put her arm around Jolarys to steady her.

"Let's get back to the jet," Raevanna said to Steve. "She's going to need medical attention."

Steve nodded, and the three slowly made their way out of the base. Tony was waiting for them outside, still fully armored up as he faced Jolarys. "Who's this?" he asked.

Jolarys growled in response, baring her fangs at Tony. But Raevanna quickly squeezed the girl's shoulders and whispered, "It's okay, he's a friend."

Jolarys looked up at Raevanna, then nodded and flashed a small smile at Tony.

"What, did she come from Elyon?" Tony asked. When Raevanna nodded, Tony huffed and said half-to himself, "This is gonna be like the British invasion all over again, only with pixies."

They regrouped with the rest of the team and boarded the jet. Raevanna had to assure Jolarys that it was safe first, and once they were on board, Raevanna wrapped the girl in a blanket and sat down with her in one corner of the jet. Then, much to her surprise, Jolarys rested her head on Raevanna's lap and promptly fell asleep.

"Where did she come from?" Steve asked his girlfriend, crossing his arms as he looked at the sleeping girl.

"Elyon," Raevanna said, stroking Jolarys' hair when the girl began to whimper in her sleep. "Though how she got here, I have no idea. Dragonborn aren't exactly very keen to leave the island."

"You think Strucker kidnapped her during the ambush?" Steve asked.

Raevanna shrugged. "Maybe. But I doubt it. All the HYDRA agents were on the beach when they attacked, so unless they snuck past us, there's no way they could've taken her."

Steve nodded slowly in agreement, looking down at Jolarys again. "Well, it's obvious that they experimented on her. I'm just amazed they didn't kill her in the process."

"Even though she's young, she's still a dragonborn," Raevanna told him. "They're incredibly resilient, it takes a lot to kill one."

"A dragonborn, huh," Steve said. Nodding slowly again, he went on, "For someone who's been experimented on and tortured, she sure does seem to trust easily."

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