45 - Oslo & Ultron

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RAEVANNA SIGHED AS SHE TOOK OFF THE BLINDFOLD, LAYING IT ON THE BEDSIDE TABLE BEFORE SITTING DOWN ON THE MATTRESS. Her body was aching horribly, and when she touched her arms she winced, knowing that there were bruises on her skin. Her training sessions with Blake had drained her exponentially, and she swore she had never felt so tired in her life.

It wasn't just that Blake had a lot of stamina. It was that keeping up and matching that stamina had taken a lot out of Raevanna, and it didn't help that she had to compensate for the fact that she was blind. Raevanna hadn't needed to fight this hard in a long time, and it was tiring.

Raevanna sighed again, running her hand through her hair. Then, a few moments later, she heard the door open, and someone entered the room. Raevanna tensed, not sure of who it was.

"Hey," came Steve's voice, and Raevanna instantly relaxed.

"Hi," Raevanna said, giving him a soft smile.

"You doing okay?" Steve asked, sitting down beside her.

Raevanna nodded. "Honestly, I'm kinda tired. But I'm... I'm better now."

"I can imagine." Steve nodded. "You two were working hard today." When Raevanna looked down and didn't reply, Steve put his hand on her knee and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I..." Raevanna closed her eyes, biting her lip. "I don't understand why you're still here."

Steve frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I... I'm broken."

Steve's eyes widened, and he shook his head even though she couldn't see him. "Raevanna, no. You are not broken."

"Steve, you don't get it," Raevanna said. "Most humans - and almost all magical creatures - rely on their sight in order to function. And now that I can't see... I'm fractured. Broken. So I don't understand why... why you still want to be with me."

Steve shook his head again. "I want to be with you because I love you," he said. "Just because you're blind doesn't mean you're broken, and it doesn't mean I love you any less." He slid his hand up her side so he could cup her cheek, making her shiver when his thumb brushed against her skin. "You have and always will be the only woman for me, okay? And nothing is gonna change that."

Raevanna smiled at him, nodding slowly. Steve leaned closer and pressed his forehead against hers, and their eyes closed for a moment as they focused on each other's breathing. Then, their lips met, connecting in a deep and passionate kiss. Raevanna's fatigue melted away the moment she felt her boyfriend's lips on hers, and her hand came up, cupping the back of his neck as she pulled him closer to her.

As Steve kissed Raevanna, he felt happy and light. The smell of the sea and wildflowers that always lingered around her; the feeling of her soft lips; her body so close to his; her hands on his neck that were so delicate but at the same time seemed as if they could handle anything; the steady sound of her breathing - she was all around him, flooding every one of his senses with her beautiful yet intoxicating aura. Steve loved Raevanna more than anything else in the world, and as the kiss deepened, he hoped that she understood that. He wanted her to know, to feel the depth of his love, and have her understand how much she meant to him.

Raevanna leaned back, flattening her back against the mattress as Steve hovered over her. Then, they both broke away, their foreheads and noses touching as they tried to catch their breath.

"I want you to know," Steve said softly. "I love you so much, Raevanna. And I promise you that I'm not going anywhere."

Raevanna smiled, nodding at him before she brought him in for another kiss. And they stayed that way, just kissing, enjoying each other's company while their world was at peace, and, for the moment, while there was no battles to fight.

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