18 - Confrontations

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A FEW HOURS LATER THEY WERE APPROACHING GERMANY. Raevanna sat in the back of the quinjet, with Steve beside her, and Natasha and another SHIELD agent named Blake piloting the aircraft. Raevanna's leg bounced up and down as she waited for their stop to arrive, and her fingers drummed against her knees in a one-two rhythm.

"Hey," Steve said quietly, noticing his girlfriend's nervousness. "It's gonna be okay. If you feel like it's too much, you just pull out and I'll cover you, okay?"

"Thanks, but I think I'll be alright," Raevanna assured him. "I just need to relax a bit."

Steve stared at her, meeting her eyes. He didn't really believe her, but he knew better than to question it. So he just nodded and fell silent, putting his hand over Raevanna's and gently squeezing her fingers in encouragement.

"Coming up on the drop zone, Cap," Blake said to the two, catching their attention.

Raevanna inwardly sighed, then looked up, seeing that, along with the gun at her waist, there was a very strange weapon strapped to Blake's back: an axe. Raevanna cocked her head, wondering why the woman had such an old fashioned weapon in such a modern age.

"Is that an axe?" Raevanna asked her.

Blake smiled. "It's technically called a labras. But yeah, it is."

"But why do you need an axe?" Raevanna asked. "You have a gun."

The woman chuckled. "Old habits, I guess. I've spent a long time fighting with one, so it's something I'm more accustomed to." When Raevanna frowned, Blake explained, "I'm a lot older than you think, kid."

"Really?" Raevanna frowned even deeper in confusion. "How old are you?"

Blake grinned. "Very."

"Okay, but really, exactly how old are you?" Raevanna asked.

Blake shook her head. "I'm older than you, that's for sure."

Raevanna could hear the hesitation in Blake's voice. The woman sounded like she was kidding, but Raevanna could tell she really didn't want to reveal her age. Getting up and walking over to her, Raevanna put her hand on the brunette's shoulder. "It's okay," she said quietly. "You can tell me."

Blake turned to look at her, her piercing hazel-green eyes meeting Raevanna's warm brown ones. "I'm about 6,000 years old," she said softly - so quietly that only someone with enhanced hearing like Raevanna could hear.

Raevanna was silent, shocked by the woman's words. She had thought that she was the only magical creature here in the human land, but she was quickly discovering that there were more outside of Elyon than just her.

Raevanna stepped back, taking up her spot next to Steve. Soon after, the quinjet slowed, and Natasha and Blake held it in place, opening up the ramp so Steve and Raevanna could exit.

"Give him hell for me, would you?" Blake said to the couple as they prepared to jump. "I'd go with you, but I'm technically off duty right now. Plus..." She winked. "There wouldn't be much of him left after I got through with him."

"That's very true," Natasha commented with a smile, then turned to look at the two. "Just... make sure to bring him back in one piece."

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