14 - Windows to the Soul

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WHEN YOUR HEART BREAKS, IT DOESN'T ALWAYS GROW BACK THE SAME. Sometimes, it grows back twisted and hard.

Raevanna knew this all too well. After she'd lost Steve six years before, she'd returned home, where she fell into a state of deep depression that lasted for a year and a half. She isolated herself from her aunt, her friend, and everyone else in her life. For the two months following her return she hardly ate; instead she would lay in her bed, either staring up at the ceiling or crying herself to sleep. She rarely ever left her house, and when she did go out, it was usually just to deal with the Orcs, who she treated with more ruthlessness and less mercy.

Losing the love of her life had made Raevanna nearly unrecognizable. And it seemed like nothing was going to bring her back.

However, it was Maeve that helped Raevanna through the five stages of grief. Though she hadn't approved of her niece falling in love with a human, Maeve had seen just how much his death had affected her. So she spent most of her waking hours with Raevanna, trying to reignite the spark in her that had once burned so brightly. Maeve would wake her up every morning and go flying with her, eat meals with her (sometimes even hand feeding Raevanna if she refused to eat), and practice magic with her. She would sing Raevanna to sleep at night when the young faery couldn't stop crying, and even went so far as to lay in bed with her as a source of comfort.

But most of all, Maeve made Raevanna talk about Steve and her time in Brooklyn. Maeve was no therapist, but she knew that talking about him would help Raevanna's broken heart mend, especially if she reminisced about good times. It was hard for Raevanna to even think about Steve at first, but as time went on she grew accustomed to it, and though her heart still ached when she talked about him, it was less so than it had been before.

Still, Raevanna tried to find something to fill the void in her heart. Whether it was in the form of training, new hobbies, or even just flying around aimlessly, she needed something to fill her time. Or else she would spend it thinking about Steve.

Maybe if she had gathered enough strength to fly after the Valkyrie, then she could've saved him. But now she'd never know.

"Raevanna," came a voice, bringing Raevanna out of her thoughts.

Raevanna opened her eyes, rolling over from where she lay on her bed to see who it was. Alaneo was standing in the doorway, a sympathetic look on his face as he stared at her.

"It is the first night of summer," he said. "That means the Icander Festival is going to start at sundown. Do you want to go?"

Raevanna shook her head, rolling back over. "I'm alright. I think I'll just stay here."

"Raevanna Cadmiflora," Alaneo said firmly, using her full name to show how serious he was. "You have been cooped up in this house for a month now. You need to get out and stretch your wings, breathe some fresh air."

"I'll pass," Raevanna said.

Alaneo huffed, then marched over to her and yanked on one of her wings, causing her to yelp in pain and surprise before rolling over to glare at him. "What was that for?!" she snapped.

"Get up," Alaneo commanded. "We are going to the festival tonight and I am not taking no for an answer."

Raevanna puffed out her cheeks, grumbling in irritation before nodding. "Fine. Meet me outside in half an hour."

"Good." Alaneo stood up and walked over the door. However, he stopped, then looked back at her and said, "Also, I strongly suggest that you bathe. You smell like a dead Orc." Then he turned around and left the room.

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