15 - Together Again

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Raevanna nodded as she frantically gathered her things, trying her best to move as fast as possible. "Yes, Maeve, I'm sure. I have to go back to New York, I think Steve may still be alive."

As soon as Raevanna had received the vision and told Cirrus, she flew straight home and began to pack for a trip to New York. She knew she might be jumping to conclusions, but she had a gut feeling that the ancients were trying to tell her that Steve was alive. And as long as she had that hope, she knew she couldn't stay in Elyon. She had to find out for sure.

"You do not know for certain if he is alive," Maeve told her. "It could have been just a bad dream."

Raevanna shook her head. "No, Maeve. I was awake when I saw those things. It wasn't a dream, it was a vision." Stopping in her frantic packing to look at her aunt, she said, "You said you wanted me to find peace. Did you mean that?"

"Of course I did," Maeve said.

"Then you have to let me go," Raevanna said.

Maeve looked away. "But if you leave... you may never return."

Raevanna shook her head. "Who will I be if I stay?"

Maeve sighed, closing her eyes. Then she looked up, smiling at Raevanna as she put her hands on her niece's cheeks.

"Go," Maeve said softly. "Find your peace."

Raevanna smiled, putting her hands over her aunt's. "Thank you."

Stepping back, she gathered her things and made them disappear. Then she walked outside, opening up the Clessibis Current and flying into it.

As she sped through the current, she had to admit she was worried. It had been 67 years since she'd last been to New York. Things had most likely changed significantly, which meant she would have to adjust yet again.

But she was also worried because of what she might find when she got there. What if the vision had really been just a bad dream, and Steve wasn't actually alive? Or what if he was alive, but held somewhere she couldn't get to? She couldn't bear the thought of losing him again, not when there was a possibility that he was alive.

Raevanna took a deep breath to clear her head as the exit to the current approached. Here we go, she thought.

Then, the clouds parted, and she reappeared over New York. And she immediately had to stop herself.

This was so much different than what she had expected. Massive metal buildings stretched up into the sky. Boats and cars that were far more advanced than she had seen floated along the river and drove along the roads. Even from high up she could hear the sounds of the city, and high above her were massive planes, flying through the air with loud engines.

Raevanna looked around, shocked. New York had gotten ten times more complex in her absence. If Steve was here, where would she be able to find him?

Shaking her head again, Raevanna flew down to the city, descending down from the sky. Realizing that there was no safe place to land without being seen, she landed on a roof instead. She looked around, making sure no one was there, and once she was certain, she rolled her shoulders and made her wings vanish.

Raevanna had gone so long without making her wings disappear that it felt strange to be without them. But she shook it off and walked across the roof, descending down using a ladder on the side of the building.

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