25 - Worth Living For

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A CHOKED GASP LEFT RAEVANNA'S LIPS AS GURAK REAPPEARED HIGH IN THE AIR, LANDING ON THE LANDING PAD OF STARK TOWER. Throwing her down onto the ground, he stomped up to her and pinned her down with his foot before she could get to her feet.

"You thought you had killed me, didn't you?" Gurak hissed as Raevanna fought to free herself. "But you were wrong. You know you can't get rid of me that easily."

"Of course I know," Raevanna spat. "Though trust me, it would make my life ten times easier if someone were to cut off that stupid fucking head of yours."

Gurak snorted. "I see being with the humans has affected your language usage. I'm assuming that it's affected the way you fight as well." Raising his staff, he pointed the tip of it at her heart as the weapon began to glow. "Let's put that to good use, shall we?"

Raevanna's eyes went wide. She knew what he was going to do. "No," she said, desperately trying to free herself so she could stop him. "No, no, please! Don't!"

But it was too late. He touched her heart with his staff, and Raevanna's whole body went limp as the world blacked out.

Back on the ground, Steve was pacing back and forth worriedly, panic setting in as he tried to think of how he could get up to the top of Stark Tower. He'd barely had time to react before Gurak had taken Raevanna away, and he cursed himself for not keeping a better eye on her.

"Steve," Natasha said to him. "What the hell was that?"

"Gurak," Steve said. "He's an Orc from Elyon, Raevanna fought him back in 1945. He..." He hesitated. "He wants her dead."

"But if he wanted her dead, why not just kill her while her guard was down?" Natasha asked. "Why take her somewhere?"

"I don't know," Steve admitted. "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

Suddenly a ball of dark smoke streaked down from the sky, spiraling towards the ground at a rapid speed. Then, it touched down on the ground several feet away from the heroes, materializing into Raevanna.

"Look, there she is," Clint said, pointing to her. "Looks like she took care of him."

Steve didn't answer, watching as she approached him. Something felt... off about her. The way she was walking, the vibe she was giving off... it wasn't right.

Thor sensed it too, for his grip on his hammer tightened, and lightning began to crackle around the metal.

"Raevanna?" Steve called out, hoping to get a response from her.

But then, his blood went cold as she neared him. Her skin was ashy grey, void of all warmth and color. Her eyes were blood red and tinged with yellow. Her nails had elongated into claws, and when he looked closer he saw the fangs sticking out of her mouth.

This was not the same Raevanna Steve knew and loved. This was the Raevanna that she herself was afraid of becoming.

"Guys, get out of here," Steve told the team, grabbing his shield.

"What?" Natasha said.

"What's wrong, what's going on with her?" Clint asked.

"I've seen this before," Thor said. "In the night fae. It's called Zōbrie Magik Gūrogon Toliot."

"Zōbrie Magik what?" Steve said in confusion.

"Zōbrie Magik Gūrogon Toliot." Thor nodded. "It's Valyrian for Dark Magic Takeover. It's an incredibly powerful mental, physical, and spiritual state that the night fae are prone to having. But it's only triggered if dark magic is used on them."

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