61 - I Promise [⚠]

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RAEVANNA'S SHOULDERS SAGGED AS SHE AND STEVE ENTERED THE HOTEL ROOM, HAND IN HAND. This was only one of the many hotels that they had been staying at for the past four months, considering that they had no place else to go - and no one else to turn to. Secretary Ross wanted them arrested for violating the Accords, Tony hated them for defending Bucky, and everyone else in law enforcement was looking for them. Natasha had gone to Russia for awhile to "settle family matters", and Blake was in Wakanda with Bucky, trying to help him heal. Raevanna and Steve were truly alone.

"Hey," Steve said, noticing her expression. "You okay?"

Raevanna looked up at him, giving him a soft smile. "Yeah, just... tired."

Steve turned to her, cupping her cheek. "I know. I am too. So how about we just get some rest, alright?"

Taking her hands, he led her over to the couch by the television and sat down on it, leading Raevanna to kick up her feet and curl up into his side. Steve then put his arm around her, holding her close to him as they sat there in silence.

"You know," Steve said softly. "I never did apologize to you."

Raevanna frowned. "For what?"

"For not believing you about Aphrodite." He sighed. "I was just... I was hurt. I couldn't believe that you'd done that, and I didn't know how to process it. Even though I knew that you'd never intentionally hurt me, my anger blinded me to the truth. And for that, I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Raevanna said, then put her arm around his chest and snuggled closer to him. "Besides, it's behind us now."

They continued to sit there, not saying a word to each other. Silence had become a common thing between them, but not because the flame was lost, but because they had grown to be satisfied with each other's presence alone. They could sit like this for hours and not say a word, and never once did it feel awkward or tense.

"I have a question," Raevanna said after a few minutes.

Steve looked at her. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Would you ever want to get married and have kids?"

Steve nearly choked on air, completely caught off guard by the question. After clearing his throat, he saw Raevanna was looking at him expectantly, so he nodded. "I do want to," he said.

"But?" Raevanna asked, knowing that there was more to his answer.

"I don't know if it would ever work out for us," Steve admitted. "I mean, how could we settle down and raise a family when we're on the run? And we are - we were - Avengers. The hero life is no place for a kid."

"Who says we're always gonna be on the run?" Raevanna asked. "We could find some place off the grid, settle there. And I could always stay home, while you could go out and-"

"No, no, no," Steve said, shaking his head as he cut her off. "I could never let that happen. You're an explorer and a fighter, Raevanna. You'd be too restless if you stayed in a house all day."

Raevanna nodded slowly. "That's true." She paused for a moment, then looked up at him. "So, hypothetically, what would you want?"

Steve frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you hadn't been asleep for almost seventy years," Raevanna said. "If we weren't Avengers and were on the run. If we lived a normal life... what would you want?"

Steve shook his head, see that Raevanna had scooted closer to him, and her eyes were locked on him. "I-I don't know."

"I think you do know." Raevanna moved even closer. "What would you want?"

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