78 - Thanos

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THE BATTLE CONTINUED TO RAGE ON. Raevanna, now fighting alongside Diana, did her best to keep up with the Outriders, but she was tiring once more. She slashed, hit, and fired magic at them all, but they only seemed to keep coming. Raevanna huffed to herself; When will it end? she thought. 

Turning to Diana, Raevanna saw that the Amazon's bracelets, arms, and sword were wet with alien blood. Sweat lined Diana's brow, slowly dripping down the sides of her head, and it was obvious that she was tiring as well. 

"Hey," Raevanna said to her. "You alright?"

"Yes," Diana said, nodding as she deflected an incoming attack from the last Outrider. "Just..." She huffed. "Just a little tired."

Raevanna started to reply. But before she could, both she and Diana froze, and a chill went up Raevanna's spine as the wind picked up. It felt... strange. Eerie. She didn't like it.

"Everyone, on my position," Steve told them over comms. "We have incoming."

Raevanna glanced at Diana, not bothering to hide her absolute terror. This was it. This was the final fight, she could feel it. 

"Stay close to me," Diana told Raevanna, noticing her fear. "I'll cover you."

Raevanna nodded, moving closer to Diana before they walked forward and joined Steve. Moments later, Natasha, Sam, Okoye and T'Challa followed, and they all gathered around the former soldier as the eeriness grew.

"What the hell?" Natasha said.

That was when Raevanna looked up, seeing the blue-black clouds of a Space Stone relocation several feet away. Then, a massive purple man with a golden gauntlet on his left hand stepped out of the clouds, and she knew that it wasn't just another minion of Thanos. This had to be Thanos himself.

"Cap," Bruce said. "That's him."

Steve nodded, his face calm but his eyes betraying his fear. "Eyes up. Stay sharp." 

Raevanna gulped, her hands balling into fists. 

Bruce was the first to reach Thanos, lunging forward fist-first, but Thanos simply used the Space Stone on him, rendering him immaterial until the Hulkbuster suit was half-buried in the stone of the cliff behind him, freezing Bruce in place. With Bruce incapacitated, Steve charged towards Thanos, but was sent flying by purple energy before he even got to strike a single blow. So Raevanna ran forward with Diana right behind her. Raevanna gathered magic in her hands and Diana drew her sword, but Thanos backhanded them both away, and they both went flying across the battlefield before landing hard on the ground. 

As Raevanna landed on her back, her head hit a rock, and she gasped, white hot pain flashing through her chest as she felt her ribs crack. Then, as she tried to move, the pain intensified, and she cried out, rolling onto her side before struggling to push herself into an upright position.

But she couldn't, and so she could only watch as she saw T'Challa leaping high into the air with claws extended, armor fully charged kinetically, only to have Thanos easily grab him by the throat and punch him to the ground, T'Challa's armor discharging violently.

"No!" Raevanna heard Diana cry. Then, she watched as Diana struggled to get to her feet again while Sam swooped down, strafing with both Steyr pistols, but was then felled when his wings became rubbery and unable to sustain flight.

Rhodey quickly joined the fight, firing his guns at Thanos until the mad titan used the gauntlet to crush Rhodey's armor around him before tossing him aside. Then, Bucky ran up while firing his gun with Blake by his side, but both were punched away by the Power Stone. Moments later, Diana charged at Thanos with her sword raised; however, Thanos used the gauntlet to throw her aside with purple energy before molding her into a nearby bolder, freezing her in place and preventing her from moving. 

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