38 - Two Worlds Colliding

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FOUR DAYS WENT BY, AND THE FAERIES OF ELYON REFUSED TO TRUST STEVE. It frustrated Raevanna to no end, for despite what she said and all the things Steve did, nothing changed the way her people felt about him. They maintained the belief that all humans were evil and heartless, even though Raevanna had spent years among them and had proof that not all were as bad as they thought.

Maeve had slowly started to come around, but she was still hesitant to completely trust Steve. She remained wary around him despite his politeness and friendliness, and despite Raevanna's attempts to convince her otherwise, the older faery still thought that he would betray them. She didn't trust him even though he hadn't given her any reason not to, and Raevanna wished that she, along with everyone else, would give him a chance.

So, as Raevanna walked through the forest, alone with her thoughts, she couldn't seem to understand why everyone was so distrusting of Steve. She had spent so long with the humans, learning from them, understanding who they were and how they thought, and had come back alive each time. Many had tried to kill her, yes, but not everyone. Shouldn't that have counted for something?

Raevanna sighed, shaking her head. Why was this so hard?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge boom went off, shaking the island and nearly knocking Raevanna off her feet. She quickly righted herself, then jumped up into the air and flew up to assess the situation. And her heart immediately dropped to her feet.

There was a huge fire blazing in one corner of the island. And when Raevanna heard a loud whistling sound, she turned her head and saw a missile streaking from a hole in the magic barrier, heading straight for another corner of the island. Thinking quickly, she streaked towards the missile, then flew under it and thrust it upward with her hands. It was launched up, spinning around before exploding high in the air, away from the island.

Almost immediately her brain went to two people. Her aunt and Steve.

Turning around, Raevanna sped off back to her house, wincing when two more booms went off in different places. But she kept going until she reached the dwelling, landing on the walkway and rushing through the doorway.

"Steve?" Raevanna called.

Steve ran out of the bedroom, his worry as evident as hers. "Raevanna? What's going on?"

"I don't know," Raevanna said. "I think someone's bombing the island." She bit her lip, looking up at her boyfriend. "I know the answer, but I still have to ask..."

"No," Steve said, shaking his head. "I didn't tell anyone that we were coming here."

Raevanna sighed, nodding at him. "I believe you. But you know I had to ask."

"It's okay," Steve assured her. "I understand. Protecting this place is your job, you're just being cautious."

Raevanna smiled, glad he understood. God, she adored this man.

Then, out of nowhere, Maeve landed on the walkway. Fury was blazing in her yellow-green eyes as she stormed inside and stalked right up to Steve.

"You," the woman snarled. Then, she raised her hand, and Steve lifted up, choked by her magic.

"Maeve!" Raevanna cried, rushing forward and trying to stop her aunt from killing him. "Maeve, stop!"

"I knew we could not trust you!" Maeve hissed. "Now humans are attacking us, and you have led them here!"

"I - didn't," Steve choked out.

"Then why are they here?!" Maeve demanded.

"Maeve, let him go!" Raevanna insisted. Maeve continued to hold onto Steve, but her hostile glare faltered a bit, so Raevanna went on, "Steve isn't the one who led these people here, and we really don't know why they're here at all! So please let him go, he can help us!"

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