86 - Searching for Stones

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WHEN THEY RETURNED TO THE COMPOUND, RAEVANNA WAS SHOCKED TO SEE THE DRASTIC CHANGE IN THOR SINCE THE LAST TIME SHE SAW HIM. He was heavily overweight and his beard and hair were messy and unkempt. He teetered as he walked, and he reeked heavily of alcohol. He had obviously let his guilt get the best of him, and was now hardly the man he had once been. 

Raevanna left the others and wandered through the compound until she reached the hangar where they would be doing the test run. Bruce, Steve, and Rhodey were there, but Scott was missing, which meant he most likely was out trying on the suit. So, Raevanna walked over to one of the tables and picked up a couple parts that would go in the suit, then grabbed a wrench and sat down before fiddling with it. As she worked, she shifted, a strange crawling feeling going over her back, and she sighed before letting her wings come out, knowing she had gone too long without using them. 

After a few minutes, Scott walked into the hangar, now wearing a suit similar to the Ant-Man suit, except this one was red and white. Then, he stood in front of the others, doing the final fittings as Raevanna watched, and shortly after Diana walked into the room to join them. 

"Time travel suit?" Rhodey said. "Not bad."

Scott nodded, only to panic when he saw Bruce touching the suit and something in a red glass tube. "Hey, hey, hey!" Scott warned him. "Easy, easy!"

"I'm being very careful," Bruce told him.

"No, you're being very Hulky," Scott replied.

"I'm being careful," Bruce said, trying to assure him.

Scott held up the red glass bottle. "These are Pym Particles, alright?" he said. "And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more."

"Scott, calm down," Diana said.

"Sorry," Scott said, still obviously stressed. "We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Suddenly, he accidentally pressed a button on his suit, then shrunk before he grew back to his normal size. "One test run."

Raevanna sighed, putting the tools down and closing her eyes before leaning her head against the wall. Being alone like this gave her some time to think, and she sighed as worrisome thoughts began to swirl around in her brain.

She was still scared about the baby. There were two reasons why she had grown to be ostracized by her people: being a night fae, and dating Steve. And now that she was going to have his baby... she could never go back to Elyon. She'd be shunned and cast out, and everyone would hate her. Not even her own sister would accept her after she found out. And that made her heart hurt, knowing she couldn't ever return to the beautiful island she had been born on. 

As she took a deep breath to calm herself, Raevanna heard footsteps approach her. Then, she sensed the presence sit next to her, followed by Diana's voice as she asked, "Are you alright?" 

Raevanna opened her eyes, looking over at her. "Yeah. I'm alright."

Diana raised an eyebrow. "That is obviously a lie."

Raevanna shook her head, chuckling lowly. "Wow, you know me so well already." Diana also chuckled, and Raevanna went on, "But really, I'm okay. I'm just nervous."

"About what?" Diana asked.

"We're so close," Raevanna said after a moment. "We're so close to bringing everyone back. But I'm not entirely sure what will happen to me when we do." When Diana frowned in confusion, Raevanna explained, "My friends and family know about my relationship with Steve. But they have no idea about..." She wrapped her arms around her stomach. "Look, when everyone comes back, and they find out that I'm pregnant with Steve's baby, I could never go back to Elyon again."

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