16 - The Modern World

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WHEN THE COUPLE GOT INTO THE CAR, THEY WERE SURPRISED TO SEE A DARK-HAIRED WOMAN SITTING INSIDE. Both Raevanna and Steve raised their eyebrows at the dark-skinned man, confused by the woman's presence.

"Right," the man said. "Captain, this is Agent Hill of SHIELD. She's one of my top agents."

"Okay," Raevanna said, raising an eyebrow again. "And you are?"

"Fury," the man replied. "Executive director of SHIELD."

Raevanna just nodded. She had no idea what that was, but she didn't want to question him.

"I must say, Miss Knight," Fury said after a moment. "I honestly wasn't expecting to ever see you back here."

Raevanna glanced at Steve in surprise; she hadn't heard anyone use her pseudonym in ages. "You know who I am?"

Agent Hill nodded. "We do. Howard Stark is one of the founders of SHIELD, he kept a record of you so we could be prepared in case you ever decided to come back."

Raevanna cocked her head. Howard still had hope that she would return? Even when she had told him that she probably wouldn't? She thought it strange at first, but her heart quickly warmed at the realization that he still thought about her, even though she was far away.

"Anyway, we can explain more tomorrow," Fury went on. "For now we're taking you to Brooklyn."

Raevanna frowned. "What's in Brooklyn?" she asked.

"An apartment," Agent Hill said.

Raevanna's frown deepened. "An... apartment?"

"Yes," Fury said. "You do know what that-"

"Yes, I know what an apartment is," Raevanna said, cutting him off. "I just don't understand why we're going to one."

"We had set one up for you for when you woke up." Fury nodded at Steve. "We originally planned for it to be just his, but I get the feeling that you two won't mind sharing."

Steve couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheeks. But Raevanna was less shy about it, scooting closer to him and wrapping her arm around his bicep.

"Nope, not at all," she said with a grin.

The car eventually slowed down, stopping in front of a tall building. Raevanna looked at it through the window, intimidated by its size.

"Here we are," Fury said. "Your apartment is on the third floor. Agent Hill will show you up."

"Thank you, sir," Steve said to him.

Fury nodded and motioned to the door. Taking Raevanna's hand, Steve got out of the car with her, and they were followed by Agent Hill, who led them into the building. Hand in hand, the couple followed Agent Hill into an elevator, which took them up to the right floor. Once they got off, Agent Hill showed them to the right door (door 307) then unlocked it and let them inside.

Raevanna looked around at the apartment. It was small but cozy, and the window overlooked the city.

"This is your key," Agent Hill said, handing Steve the key. "Don't lose it or else it'll take a long time to get another. We'll have one of our agents come in and check on you every month until you get settled in."

Steve nodded at her, giving the woman a grateful smile. "Thank you, Agent Hill. We really appreciate you doing this."

Agent Hill politely dipped her head in response. "Of course. Call if you need anything."

Once she was gone, Raevanna turned to Steve, smiling at him. "This is ours?"

Steve nodded. "I guess it is."

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