Chapter 9: Cheers

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It had been a week since Erin and Jay spent the night together

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It had been a week since Erin and Jay spent the night together. They had continued to text but hadn't spent another night together or had any alone time. They had gone to Molly's and had a drink with the team but that wasn't the same. She was sitting at her desk rummaging through paperwork, she glanced up for a second and could see jay staring at her while he was speaking to Hailey. She let out a little smile and continued with what she was doing.

"So you and Erin?" Upton question Jay with a smirk

Jay smiled "Um yeh maybe? Just taking it slow I guess"

"I'm really glad to hear that Jay, it's good to see you smile like that again" Upton patted Jay on the back as she walked back to her desk.

"Okay so we have some news" Voight spoke aloud to the rest of the unit. "Antonio do you want to tell them or shall I?" Voight eyeing off Anotonio

"Umm yeh thanks sarge, well I'm sorry to say guys but I'm moving to Puerto Rico, not sure what I will be doing yet but I wanna be close to my family again. I'm going to miss everyone don't get me wrong but I think it's time I put my family first" Antonia said while letting out a sigh

"Good luck with everything Antonio, I will miss you" Erin gave him a hug

"Yo bro I'm gunna miss ya but good luck with everything man" Atwater said bringing him in with a handshake hug

Everyone else walked up and said their good lucks and wish him all the best. They were defiantly going to miss him but they all knew it's what he needed to do.

"So when do you leave man?" Jay said as he approached Dawson packing up his locker

"Today's my last day I fly out in a couple days but need to pack up the apartment before then so this is it" Dawson said

"Yeh wow, I just have to say Thankyou. You gave me the opportunity to be in this unit and I have continued to learn from you. So Thankyou man" Jay said

"Thanks Jay, it makes it easier leaving knowing your still going to be here. You have become a great cop" Dawson smiled and patted his shoulder while he walked towards the door "Oh and I'm rooting for you and Lindsay just don't fuck it up this time, you two are meant for each other no matter what anyone says"

"Thanks man" Jay smiled

After everyone had finished talking to Antonio they got back to work, they hadn't caught a case but there was always paperwork to catch up on.

Hank yelled out "Lindsay Halstead, got word from headquarters you're both up for mandatory firearms requalification. Get to the shooting range tomorrow first thing"

Erin thought to herself, that's right me and Jay always had requal at the same time. She looked up to see jay smiling back at her he nodded over to the break room and stood up walking over hoping Erin would follow her.

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