This story based on 2 years after Erin left to go to New York to take a job to keep Bunny out of jail. I kept Alvin Olinksey alive in the story as well. At first the connection between Jay and Erin is tense but they soon find their way back into eac...
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Today Erin was picking Jay up from the hospital, he still had the weekend to relax and then he could go back to work but only desk duty which he wasn't real keen on.
Erin took Noah to day care and headed to med. She parked her car and started walking towards the entrance, she saw Natalie outside at a food truck so she thought she'd walk over and say hi.
"Hey Nat"
"Hey Erin, how are things?" Natalie said as she gave Erin a hug.
"Yeah good good, but question is how are things with you. I heard you and Will are finally giving it a shot?" She replied raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah we are taking things slow but it looks promising" Natalie said with a smile.
"That's good, I'm happy for the two of you. Look I better go in before Jay starts wondering where the hell I am, but we should go for dinner or something soon?"
"Yeah that sounds good, I will call you. See you Erin and make sure Jay takes it easy" she started waving as Erin walked away.
Erin waved and yelled back "Yeah wish me luck"
She walked into Jays room and noticed he was putting his sling on, after he fiddled around he looked up and saw Erin "Hey you, how long you been there?"
"Just a second"
"So you thought watching me struggle was amusing, how nice are you" he shook his head and laughed as he grabbed his jumper, once again struggling.
"Here I'll help you" she helped him put it on and then stood on her toes to kiss him "I'm looking forward to having you home and so is Noah"
"I'm really looking forward to it and I'm looking forward to work. I don't go much for sitting around doing nothing"
"Huh, I thought you wouldn't mind laying up getting served food and checking out hot nurses all day?" Erin smirked
"Well no" he replied rolling his eyes.
"Convincing babe" she chuckled "Come on let's get out of here" she reaches for his hand and then they walked out together.
Later that night just after they put Noah down Erin was in the kitchen cleaning up and she felt Jay reach his arm around her "Hey beautiful"
"Hey you" she snuggled into his side and he quickly spun her around and started kissing her.
"Down boy. For starters you need to rest, secondly you only have one arm and thirdly the last thing I feel like doing at 32 weeks pregnant is getting down and dirty with you" she said and patted him on the chest.
"Er, for starters I have had plenty of rest, secondly I'm sure I can figure it out with only one arm and thirdly you look beautiful" he started kissing her neck before he was slowly pushed away.
"Jay baby, I love you and I'm still attracted to you but at the moment I don't find the idea of what your trying to do any but attractive" she looked down "Now why don't you go have a cold shower" She looked back at him and smirked and then kissed him on the cheek.
"So not fair Erin Halstead, so not fair"
After the weekend had gone by they were both back at work and both on desk duty, Erin was use to it but it was definitely frustrating Jay.
"Hey Erin, do you want to go grab a juice or something?" Kim walked over to Erins desk casually.
"Yeah sure, come on let's go" she grabbed her jacket and walked out.
They were sitting at a juice bar just chatting about everyday things when Kim cleared her throat "So Erin there's something I want to ask you?"
Erin raised her eyebrows confused "Okay..."
"Do you like being a mum?"
"I love it. I mean the whole pregnant thing I hate that but the mum thing, I wouldn't change it for the world" she smiled and dipped her juice.
"Okay" Kim paused as Erin gave her a weird look.
"Kim are you pregnant?"
She smiled "Yes"
"Hey that's great! It's great isn't it? I mean isn't it what you want?" Erin said grabbing Kim's hand.
"Yeah I'm really happy, I only found out for sure this morning. Adam doesn't know, I just don't know how he will feel. I mean we had been trying for ages after we got married and then nothing was happening so he said we'd put a pin in it and now I'm 6 weeks pregnant, I just don't want him to be disappointed"
"Kim I can tell you now, he certainly won't be disappointed. He spoke to Jay ages back when we found out I was pregnant and he spoke about how you and him were struggling. He was so sad, he wants this I know it. He's going to be really happy and the two of you are going to be great" Erin smiled.
"You really think?" Erin nodded "I just hope we are half the parents as you and Halstead"
"Oh hunny, that's one thing you can't do. Is compare. Everybody makes mistakes, you just learn from them, hell me and Jay are still learning." Erin laughed
"Any advice?" Kim gazed at Erin waiting her response.
"Be in the moment, soak it up. No matter what you go through together, remember your in it together. He's your rock, lean on him. And trust me the whole pregnant thing isn't a walk in the park so you will need to use him as your punching bag sometimes and that's okay." Erin paused "God I'm so happy for you guys"