This story based on 2 years after Erin left to go to New York to take a job to keep Bunny out of jail. I kept Alvin Olinksey alive in the story as well. At first the connection between Jay and Erin is tense but they soon find their way back into eac...
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The next morning Jay went and picked Noah up from Hanks house, it was time for him to meet his sister.
He walked up and knocked on the door, Hank answered and then Noah came running into his dads arms.
"Daddy!" Noah snuggled in as Jay pick him up.
"Hey little man, missed you! Have you missed me?"
"Yes. Where's mummy and baby" Noah questioned.
"Okay so after you have finished your breakfast we are going to meet someone special, your new sister," Jay watched his sons eyes widen "Remember how mummy had a big belly and there was a baby inside?"
"Yes" Noah nodded.
"Well now the baby is out of mummy's belly" Jay smiled.
"Yeah it's very exciting. I just need you to do me a favour?" Noah stood there waiting "Now the baby is really small so you have to be extra extra careful okay?"
"Okay" Noah said "Can I hug her?"
Jay smiled and looked up at Voight "Yeah you can hug her but gently okay?" Noah nodded and then started asking all sorts of questions, Jay didn't realise how curious he was going to be.
"How about you eat your breakfast Noah and then we will all go and see them? Voight said as he lifted Noah into his high chair.
"You make me proud Halstead" Voight said as they stood and watched Noah.
"Thanks Hank, I'm a lucky guy"
"You are. And they are lucky to have you, just do me a favour? Keep in in your pants for a couple more years I don't want to keep losing my detectives" They both chuckled.
Couple hours later they arrived at the hospital, Will was in talking with Erin. She was holding Camille when Voight, Jay and Noah came in.
"Hey buddy!" Erin said as she passed Camille to Will so she could hug her son.
"Miss you mummy" Noah gave her a hug but then quickly all his interest went to Camille "Baby!" He pointed at her as Will cradled her.
"Yeah that's your little sister Noah" Erin said as she smiled up at Jay.
"Can I hug her?" Noah said jumping up and down on the bed.
"Buddy remember you gotta be gentle, mummy is sore too" Jay said resting his hands on Noah making him sit down next to Erin.
"Okay sit next to mum and you can meet your sister" he nodded as Jay grabbed Camille off Will. He slowly walked to Noah and placed Camille in his arms but still held onto her.
"Hi" Noah kept saying as he placed gentle kisses on her head. He was so happy, Jay looked up at Erin and she noticed he had tears falling down his face.
"Buddy this is your sister Camille, can you make me a promise?" Jay said as he put her in Erins arms and Noah nodded "Promise me you will always look after her and keep her safe?"
"I pwomise" Noah said as stayed staring at his sister.
Will walked over and nudged Jay "That went really well"
Jay took a deep breath "Thank god, I mean I don't know what I would have done if he lost it and became super jealous"
"Jay it's only day one, he's got plenty of time to become jealous"
"Yeah I guess your right" Jay chuckled as he watched his family, it was the perfect picture.
2 weeks later they were starting to adjust to a family of 3 to a family of 4. Times were hard, Erin and Jay were living on next to no sleep. Noah was out of routine because of Camille, but they wouldn't change it for the world.
Jay was going back to work after the weekend which stressed Erin out even more. They talked about sending Noah to daycare more then 3 times a week but it made Erin feel guilty.
"Babe how about we just do it for a few months while we get Cammy into a routine?" Jay paced back and fourth in the nursery while Erin tried to calm their screaming baby.
"Jay we talked about this, I don't want to do that while I'm home. For starters we can't really afford it" Erin said
"I will do some overtime"
"So your going to do more overtime when I need you here" Erin said with a tone that made Jay second guess what he just said.
"Okay sorry, we'll make this work okay?" Jay said as he pulled Erin into his arms and gave her a kiss "Here I will take her and you go and have a nice long shower?"
Erin nodded as she passed Jay Camille and walked out. Jay sighed and started rocking her, finally after about 10 minutes she fell asleep in his arms. Jay walked out and sat on the lounge were Noah was watching cartoons.
"Cammy is very sad" Noah said as he climbed up next to Jay.
"Yeah buddy but it's okay" Jay said as he wrapped his arm around Noah.
"Mummy is sad too"
"Mummy is just tired buddy, she will be okay. It's just hard to start off with but I promise it will get better" Jay paused "Now how about I make some Mac and Cheese?"
"Yay! Mac and Cheese!"
Thanks everyone for all the likes and reads! I have been thinking about starting a new story that's based around the start of Chicago PD for something new and fresh. Just want to know peoples thoughts and if you think there's something I should add in a new story or even in this story. Thanks again, I will update soon ☺️☺️☺️