This story based on 2 years after Erin left to go to New York to take a job to keep Bunny out of jail. I kept Alvin Olinksey alive in the story as well. At first the connection between Jay and Erin is tense but they soon find their way back into eac...
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The next morning
Jay looked over smiling. He was now looking at his wife. He was so happy, yet he couldn't shake the fact that Mouse had asked him to re-enlist. He knew for a fact he wouldn't be able to hide it from Erin anymore yet how was he suppose to tell her?
The sheets rustled as Erin slowly started to awaken. She looked up at Jay who was looking down at her with a smile "Morning husband"
It gave Jay chills, he just couldn't believe it, it was like a dream. "Morning wife" he pulled her chin up to kiss her lips. "So we have a week off work before we have to go back, what do you want to do?"
They where staying at Jay's family's log cabin, they didn't want anything to crazy for a honeymoon, considering their life was nothing but crazy. Just something that would allow them to relax and spend quality time together.
Erin "Maybe go for a swim and then maybe cook some homemade pizza?"
Jay "That sounds like a plan" he hugged her trying to shake the thoughts circling his mind.
Later that afternoon they were lounging on the deck looking over the lake. Jays face was lost in thought, Erin started talking but jay wasn't hearing any of it.
Erin started waving her hand in front of Jays "Jay. Jay. JAY!" She yelled startling him
"Sorry, um I was just lost in thought" Jay apologised as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.
Erin getting frustrated, she flew up out of her chair causing the cup of coffee to fall smashing on the ground. "Wow Erin are you okay?" Jay with a concerned look on his face "Quit the bullshit Jay, what's the matter? And don't say nothing because I know somethings up. Something has been up with you since before the wedding and I thought it was just wedding jitters so I left it but unless you are regretting that we got married you need to tel me what's on your mind" Erin demanded trying to hide the tears rolling down her face.
Jay patted the seat next to him "I think you should sit down for this" Erin sat down concerned "I got worried about Mouse because I lost contact with him and I wasn't sure if he'd make it for the wedding. It then just kept playing in my head that I should be there with him. Having his back. When he finally got in contact with me he asked me if I'd consider re-enlisting" Erin turned her head away from him "And where does that put us? What about having my back? And what about what it done to you? Do you really want to go through that again" Jay was lost for words, he tried to grab her hand but she pulled away "Don't Jay. Why would you wreck this? This is meant to be the best moment in our lives and your wrecking it. I just can't talk about this right now" she got up and walked inside "Erin please don't do this" Jay ran behind her, Erin turned around with tears running down her face "ME DO THIS TO YOU! WHAT ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING! WE JUST GOT MARRIED AND NOW YOU WANT TO RIP THAT AWAY" her voice slowly started fading as she slid down the wall "As much as I don't want you to, I'm your wife isn't it my job to support you" she put her head in her hands sobbing. Jay just sat down with her without saying words. What was he suppose to say?
Erin tried putting a smile on her face for the rest of the week. She just wanted to enjoy the time she had alone with Jay even if she had to hide the fact that she was drowning inside. Scared she'd lose him once again. Jay knew she was hiding how much she was hurting but he didn't want to bring it back up until he had made a decision.
It was the last night before they had to go back to reality. Jay was washing up the dishes after dinner, Erin was sitting at the counter gazing at him "Jay I can't do this anymore. I love you, I know it's selfish but I don't want you to leave. I know Mouse needs you but he chose to leave and do this by himself, I didn't. I chose to do life with you, so I need you here to be able to do that" Jay slowly walked up to Erin "Hey, shhh" he grabbed her cheek as tears started to slowly get run "I promised to have your back, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm not going anywhere" Erin looked up at him rubbing the tears away "Really?" Jay smiled "Really"
Erin pulled Jay into her arms, she couldn't have been happier. He picked her up and sat her onto the counter, they started to kiss. Soon things got heated. Erin pulled his shirt off, not long she was pulling his belt out from the loops and undoing the buttons on his jeans. Jay pulled her shirt up over her head and undone the clasp on her bra. His fingers trailed to her cheek, then to her lips as he tilted her head towards his. He kissed her gently, then continued to kiss her neck and collarbone. Her heart was racing. She wrapped her legs around him as he picked her up before walking to the bedroom.