Chapter 56

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It had been a couple hours since Erin arrived at the hospital, she couldn't sit down

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It had been a couple hours since Erin arrived at the hospital, she couldn't sit down. She just kept pacing around the waiting room. She was distraught. She couldn't even look at her son because if something was to happen with his dad how is she suppose to explain that to a one year old.

"Hey Erin" Kim quietly said as she gently placed her hand on her arm trying not to startle her.


"How about Adam and I take Noah home? We will stay with him for as long as you need"

"Um" Erin just stood there with tears in her eyes "That would be great, thanks."

"Don't mention it. Erin it's Jay he will pull through" Adam said as he squeezed her shoulder and picked Noah up from Voights lap "Say bye to mummy bud"

Noah just started screaming "Mummy! Mummy!" He was pulling his arms out trying to reach for her. Voight just told them to leave as he pulled Erin into his arms.

Couple minutes later Will walked out, you could see the worry on his face. The rest of the team saw them and they faced him waiting for what he had to say.

"Hey everybody. I just talk to Dr Rhodes" he took a deep breath and looked towards Erin "The bullet grazed and artery, they are still trying to repair it"

"Will, is he going to be okay?" Erin said holding onto her belly.

"He's lot a lot of blood" He couldn't say much else, he was trying to hold back his tears.

"I can't do this" Erin said before she walked out of the waiting room.

Will turned towards Hailey "Guys I'm not strong enough to be with her right now" Hailey rested her arm on his shoulder "Don't worry, I got this"

Hailey walked out and the fresh air hit her, she looked around and saw Erin sitting on a bench staring into nothing. No tears nothing.

"Erin" Hailey said as she slowly approached her, she sat down next to her and started rubbing her back.

"Hailey, I can't do this without him. I mean, he's what makes this family"

"Hey, don't talk like that. You won't have to be without him. He's going to be okay"

"But you don't know that!" Erin said raising her voice "What the hell happened in there! It's my fault I should have been with him. I should have"

Hailey cut her off "Erin if you want to blame someone blame me. Don't blame yourself. I should of had his back. I'm so sorry"

"No I'm sorry Hailey, your a solid cop. I don't mean to blame anyone it's just I don't know what to do" she started breaking down as she leant onto Hailey shoulder.

They had been sitting there for half an hour, silent.

"He's going to freak out when he wakes up. The man hates needles" Erin said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah I know. You know I could never figure him out. He's the first one through the door, a war vet and he'd rather take a bullet then get the flu shot" Hailey said with a smile.

"Ha. He's never been good with needles" they both chuckled quietly "Hailey thankyou, for being there for him when I wasn't. For having his back when I didn't. For pulling him out of that dark hole he went into that I couldn't pull him out of. If it wasn't for you I would never have a family with him"

"Erin he's like a brother to me, I love him and I love you guys. I will always be there for you" Hailey said giving Erins hand a squeeze, "So a baby girl huh?"

"Yeah. God help her" Erin laughed "She won't be dating boys until she's 40 if her dad, uncles and grandpa has anything to say about it"

They were interrupted when Kevin walked out to find them "Hey guys, Jays out of surgery. They are taking him up to ICU now."

Hailey helped Erin up and they all walked back into the waiting room, Erin walked straight up to Will who was waiting for her next to Voight "Come on Erin I will take you up to see him."

She shook her head and looked back at her team "Thankyou guys. Umm... Hailey thankyou again."

"We will wait here kiddo. We aren't going anywhere" Voight said as he watched them walked away.

They walked up to ICU and stood out the front of Jays room, Will grabbed Erins arm before she walked in "Now he's not going to look pretty and I'm not sure how long he is going to be out for. But I spoke to Connor and he said he has good odds."

Erin nodded as Will opened the door, he wasn't wrong. He looked horrible. But getting to see him was enough for her. She walked slowly to the bed trying to take it all in. She sat down on the chair next to him and took his hand in hers "I love you Jay"

"Hey Erin, I'm really sorry I didn't come out and talk to you" Will said as his head fell between his shoulders.

Erin looked up at him "Will you don't need to apologise. Your going through as much as me right now, I get it"

"Yeah. Look I will give you a minute. I have to get back anyway, but if you need me just call"

Erin nodded as she watched Will walk out. Her eyes went back onto Jay, she gently brushed her fingers across his forehead and into his hair.

"Hey Jay, if you can hear me. I need you to be okay. I can't do this without you, Noah needs a dad. Your daughter needs someone to scare all the boys away, I need you."

She felt his hand move beneath hers "Jay!"


"Hey baby I'm here" she watched as he slowly blinked his eyes open.

"Hey beautiful"

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