Chapter 20

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Erin was waking up, she was tied up to a pole, drained, sore and cold

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Erin was waking up, she was tied up to a pole, drained, sore and cold. She was in a room which looked like a basement on a dirty mattress.

'Where the fuck am I, what the hell is going on' She kept repeating in her head. She could feel she had been drugged, she knew because she hadn't felt like this since she fell into a whole after Nadia died. All of a sudden she heard steps coming down the stairs.

"Oh good. Your awake.Hello pretty lady" It was the bartender, the creepy one.

"What the hell are you doing? You know it won't take them long to find you" Erin yelled at him.

"For who to find me, what are you talking about. No ones looking for you, your just another girl that got too drunk, took drugs and partied a little too hard" the bartender replied as he got closer to her

"I'm a detective she pathetic piece of shit" Erin yelled at him then laughed. After all the kidnappers she'd dealt with this one didn't have her worried

"You stay here. DONT MOVE!" He yelled back starting to worry.

Back at the distract, it had been about 4 hours since Erin had gone missing. Mouse tried pinging her phone but nothing it was off. He started looking at surveillance outside the club but still hadn't found anything.

"OMG" Hailey jumped up from her seat. "There was a creepy bartender! He was at the bar that we went to before Trix and Erin definitely seemed off before we even got to Trix!"

Voight "Are you sure?!"

Jay "What else do we have to go on sarge? It's the best lead we have?"

Voight "Okay you and Atwater go to the club, they would still be there cleaning up its only early morning. Do what you have to do. They'd have to know something"

They drove to the club walked inside and started asking questions.

Jay "Excuse me, is your manager around we need to talk to him?"

Janitor "Who are you? What do you want, you can't really be here at this time"

Jay and Atwater flashed their badges "CPD. We need to see the manager now"

Janitor "Okay I will be right back"

"Hi, good morning officers my name is Darold Marks how can I help you?"

Jay corrected him "Detectives. And we want to know who you had working the bar last night? Another one of our detectives got spiked last night and we think he had something to do with it"

Darold "Oh my, okay I will get the employee records and find out. Please sit I will just be a few moments"

Back at the district.

"Sarge I got something!" Mouse shouted

Everyone ran over

"Okay look, someone in a Ford utility reverses it up the alley behind Trix and half hour later has a big bag that he puts in the back and from what I'm guessing, that's not filled with rubbish" Mouse said just as Jay and Atwater got back

Voight "Mouse run face recognition and plates on that car" Mouse nodded "Halstead Atwater, what did you get?"

Jay "Anthony Parker, he was the one working the bar last night" he stuck the picture up on the board

Hailey "Yep that's him"

Voight "Mouse have you got anything yet?"

"Yeh it's definitely him loading that bag into the track and the plates much his name. That's gotta be him. 810 Parkside Ave is the address on the vehicles registration" Mouse replied

"Okay let's go"

Back at Erins location.

Erin "I bet you have maybe 1 hour at most left before they find me. So tell me? How many girls you done this too? What you drug them, bring them here? Do stuff to them then drop them off and they have no recollection of it? Since me anyway then you kinda screwed up. So you may as we just dump me now then they won't worry about you" she was trying to get in his head, worry him make him run because she didn't have any idea what he'd do to her

Bartender "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" he was getting angry, now walked up to Erin and slapped her face "Dumb bitch. Okay you wanna play fine" he started to undress her but Erin was putting up a fight

Erin "Get off me!" She kicked him in the head and he fell backwards.

He pulls a knife and of his back pocket "0h you wanna play little girl?" He stabbed the knife into her leg making her let out a scream in agony, then he grabbed more rope and tied her legs together and put masking tape over her mouth. "You may as well just stop squirming you can't go anywhere" He started kicking her in the stomach then preceded to take her jeans off. They only just got to her knees when there was a loud bang.

"CPD! SHOW ME YOUR HANDS" The whole unit was yelling. He grabbed Erin and held the knife up by her throat.

The look between Jay and Erin was pure worry. Jay couldn't believe what he was seeing, Erin was so vulnerable.

"LET HER GO!" Voight was yelling

"Come and closer and I will slit her throat!"

They all could see Ruzek creeping up behind them, he had come throw the basement door.

"Okay we will put our weapons down, EVERYONE STAND DOWN" Voight yelled

Jay didn't want to lower his weapon, he wanted to be the one to shoot him. But he knew that was the only way Erin was coming out alive. All of a sudden there was blood, lots of it. Voight nodded, Ruzek took the shot. Jay ran up to Erin she was sitting in a pile of blood. He took the tape of her mouth and started untying her. She started screaming in agony.

"JAY!" Then she went out of consciousness

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