Chapter 29

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Erin was now 12 weeks pregnant, yet the only people that knew were herself and Jay of course, Voight, Kim and Hailey

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Erin was now 12 weeks pregnant, yet the only people that knew were herself and Jay of course, Voight, Kim and Hailey. They had everyone meet up at Molly's tonight to share the big news because people were starting to question why Erin was not doing much field work.

The team was crowded around a table at Molly's, Ruzek had just ordered a round of drinks. Once they arrived at the bar everyone took a beer but there was still one sitting in the tray. You could see the look on Ruzek's face as he looked around confused to see who wasn't drinking. That was their cue.

Jay stood up from where he was sitting "Before you start getting a head spin Ruz me and Erin have some news" everyone started smiling, they all knew what was coming "Erin's pregnant"

Everyone congratulated them, they were all so happy for the both of them.

Later that night the boys were sitting at the bar while the girls chatted around the table.
"So Halstead your going to be a dad" Ruzek smiled "How does that feel man?"

Jay "I couldn't be happier. I'm not going to lie, I'm shitting myself but I love her and I wouldn't change it for the world" he smiled taking a sip of his beer

Herman overheard them all talking from behind the bar "Congrats Jay, seriously. But trust me you won't be saying this in years to come. Just have one and leave it at that, seriously they are a handful" he laughed

Will piped up "But Herman you wouldn't change a thing for the world would you?"

Herman "Hell no, they drive me crazy but I love them to bits" he toasted a glass to them before getting back to work.

Jay "Well thanks for the night boys but I'm going to go get my wife and soon to be child and call it a night" he got off his chair and started walking away.

Atwater "Oh great, Jays now old and mature so he doesn't want a bar of us now" he laughed "Nah seriously bro, we couldn't be happier for you" Jay just looked over his shoulder and laughed. He grabbed Erin and they headed home.

Jay headed inside and Erin just stood in the doorway eyeing Jay up and down. He turned around and smirked "You know it's rude to stare" Erin walked slowly towards him letting the door shut "I was allowed that right when you put a ring on my finger" she wrapped her arms around him and nestled her head into his chest "What did I do to deserve this" he spoke while he happily wrapped his arms around her.
"Just for being you" she paused and looked up towards him "Seriously how did I get so lucky" he chuckled "I'm the lucky one"

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